FAM2 Game Thread 3 - Days 3 & 4

If the mafia fruit vendor can only target town, then Alice is always town.
If they can target their partners as well, then that makes Alice’s alignment less clear.

Mafia already lost one watcher, do the setup require for two?

I am now also VT


Is this not just agenda

Someone talk to me

Like I said above wolves are handing themselves to y’all on a silver platter

Ironically that is what I thought of Maxi for being fruit vendor as well and thought he is harmless

As in mansnicks wolf? sure

This isn’t a good look if Derps is a miss.

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daily reminder that kii killed the wolf vig
also i just came off a w!kiiruma game and ne was villagery af on d1
idk abt future votes


If any towny ever kills Luxy I’ll eat ur soul

have you ever seen Seth wolf?
This SirDerps guy reminds me of it to no end.
When you say bleeding town, let’s just say, we agree to disagree on that.

future days


I kinda wanna blast zone rn or mansnicks

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/vote @mansnicks

/vote mansnicks


It’s ok Night, when I flip tomorrow at least a few people will be able to be seen as being able to read me.
Not many though

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why zone

/vote mansnicks @Dark_Joycat
I’m not liking how he’s approaching SDA tbh.

/vote mansnicks


Im down