FAM2 Game Thread 1 - Day 1

(its a joke from a past game where we elim’d v!marshal then v!sulit then v!chloe)

(it was a very sad game for town)

(but at least we got a meme out of it)

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Bradland asking people why they wolfread Molly makes me tempted to put them into a wolf read/lean pile because they’re trying to be their lawyer. Though that might be too easy, as they can still be uninformed and villagers defending wolves can and does happen.

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i feel like the “one read down! two reads down!” thingin general feels incredibly artificial but that might just be a playstyle difference
ill be wary if he continues to just
go completely kaputt on the thread and only does backreading stuff and ends up getting zero pelts

Ok if you’re still on it tomorrow morning ill sheep it

think thats just nanook being nanook

Didn’t know illwei or wisdom were playing nice

But yeah this is standard nook

Im skimming through isos, so

Yeah kinda lol

i dont think ive played a game with nanook before where ive
payed attention to him at all

nut u can be town

i think ive been doing a dumb this game

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anyways im crashing so i might be off at an arbitrary point in time in the near future

Im not here to get pelts, im here to find town reads that will get pelts for me

italy is town cuz if he wasn’t he’d get all of his “I want to treat this game like the cookie thread” energy out in wolfchat

this is a fully serious read and flughtghghblurghghghlubghggh mm

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catbae I probs have the most experience with out of anyone here. As for my take on them idk, actually could just be rand wolf

IDK what the whole strained thing is about here

meh, if other people taking hours to read a past game is fine for them, oh well.

On the side note, I’m prob not make a real read by the end of the day with the chaos that is mash.

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ruby seems like wondrous d2 ita fodder

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cape has had decent posts so far
so has marshal
at feels like hes vibing

Youth, whatsoever thou art, thou art but a scurvy fellow.

I have not made good posts. Every word I write is a deliberate pocket attempt and I am trying to further the wolf wincon

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@NANOOK duel to the death :pleading_face:

Finger guns Thats the magic baby