FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (SIGNUPS)

FoL Annual Mash 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread

From the twisted minds of @Arete, @Chloe, @Geyde, @lilith, @Lumi, @notblackorwhite, and @Ruby

Hosted on the account @FAMHost


  1. Follow the Global Rules as well as the Forum Game Rules, or else.
  2. Activity and cordial behavior towards your fellow player is expected.
  3. Have fun!

Phases And Timing

  • The game will begin 2024-06-03T21:00:00Z. Rolecards will be sent out before then.
  • Day phases will last for 24 hours. Night phases will last for 24 hours.
  • All phase changes will happen at 9:00:00 PM
  • During the night, the deadline for action submission is 2 hours before SoD (7:00:00 PM). Any action submitted after that time will NOT be processed.
  • During the day, actions will open 1 hour after the start of the day (10:00:00 PM) and close 1 hour before the end of the day (8:00:00 PM). Day actions may be pre-queued for a specific time.
  • All ITA sessions will last for 1 hour exactly. If you don’t know what that is, consult the next section.
               Session 1 lasts from 1:00 AM2:00 AM
               Session 2 lasts from 8:00 AM9:00 AM
               Session 3 lasts from 5:00 PM6:00 PM
  • Events may begin at any time, but will be scheduled mainly for times of high activity. Events are subgames where players may win prizes, or even death.

In-Thread Attacks (ITAs)

  • All players may use In-Thread Attacks during an allotted ITA session, which will begin on day 2. ITAs allow players to publicly attempt to kill other players. (See detailed explanation below in How ITAs Work)
  • By default, you have 1 ITA shot per day. Effects may modify the number of shots you have or any other ITA characteristic.
  • To fire an ITA shot, simply ping @FAMHost with **/ITA [player]**
  • At some point, ITAs will be disabled. This will be whenever the hosts deem fit.

How ITAs Work

Instead of having accuracy, ITA shots always hit, and deal damage to a player’s HP. However, each shot still has a chance to kill.

Every player in the game starts with 100 HP unless otherwise noted. ITA shots deal damage (base 10). If a player reaches 0 HP, they die. Additionally, each shot has a chance of a direct hit, which will kill the target regardless of their HP. The chance of a direct hit is based on the target's current HP.

Damage / Target’s Current HP = Direct Hit Chance

The chance is rolled before the damage is dealt. For example, if a player at 100HP is targeted by a shot with 10 damage, the direct hit chance is 10/100, or 10%. If the shot isn’t a direct hit, then the target’s health is reduced accordingly to 90.

ITA Feedback

Shot feedback:

  • “The shot connects.” — We have processed the shot, and its damage has been applied (damage may be 0). The target is at a non-zero HP, and the shot was not a Direct Hit. To be extra clear, this shot DID NOT KILL if you see this feedback.
  • “Direct hit! [Player] has died!” — The shot rolled a direct hit.
  • “Hit! [Player] has died from their wounds.” — The target reached 0 HP.
  • “Miss!” — The shot was mechanically stopped, and no damage was dealt.

HP feedback:
A player’s HP is private information. We will not reveal a player’s exact HP to anyone (unless otherwise noted), and instead will provide the player themselves with one of the following when asked:

  • Healthy — You are at full HP or close.
  • Wounded — You are damaged but close to neither full HP nor 0.
  • Bloodied — You are heavily damaged and close to 0 HP.


  • There is no majority, only a deadline elimination. Whoever has the most votes at the end of the day will be eliminated.
  • All votes must be in the form of [vote]player[/vote] or [v]player[/v] to be counted. Unvotes should be formatted as [unvote][/unvote]. To guarantee that the votecount bot counts your vote correctly, it is best to type the player’s full username; however, shortened names may still work.
  • You may self-vote. Along with this, no-elimination is a valid vote. In cases where no-elim and another vote are tied at the end of the day, no-elim will have priority in the rand.
  • Tied votes will result in a player being eliminated at random from among the tied players.
  • MyLo (mis-eliminate and lose) and LyLo (eliminate or lose) will not be announced, and votes will not be locked. This is not in place for a final 3 scenario.
  • You may see the votecount as of a specific post by clicking the hammer icon on that post.

The Setup

All roles in this game are based off a user (Character) of FoL, and will feature Abilities & Flavor based on that person, their personality, and memorable moments from their time on the site. These Abilites will be summed up by a Role Name.

You MAY claim: You may NOT claim:
Your assigned Character and Guild, but doing so may carry mechanical risks. Your Flavor text, a short paragraph describing the person your role is based on, either directly or paraphrasing it.
Details about your Abilities, so long as they are paraphrased. The name or exact text of any of your Abilities.
Details about your Role Name, so long as it is paraphrased. Your exact Role Name.

This game is Closed. The exact set of abilities, win conditions, and factions in play is unknown. However, the following details are known:

  • The uninformed majority faction is called the Town, and its win condition is this:
         You win when the Mafia and all other threats to the Town have been eliminated.
  • The primary informed minority faction is called the Mafia, and it’s win condition is this:
         You win if no more threats to the Mafia exist or nothing can prevent that from happening.
  • Other factions, as well as Neutral roles with their own win conditions, may exist.
  • This game is Role Madness; every player has their own, unique ability.
  • No alignment conversion, false flips, game-ending jesters, or direct lies in your own rolecard. Everything else is fair game.

Example Rolecard


If you wish to sign up with an alternative account, please consult the hosts beforehand. Alts will only be allowed on condition of their main account being publicly known and stated on the playerlist. If you are unsure which account qualifies as your main, consult the hosts.

  1. ElizaThePsycho
  2. Ash
  3. Hazardwaste
  4. pandora
  5. Zugzwang
  6. tutuu
  7. Bionic
  8. Magnus
  9. May
  10. Wazza
  11. Daeron
  12. Amelia
  13. benguinedparbecue
  14. catbae
  15. nutella
  16. BradLand
  17. Garfooled
  18. Sadbi
  19. Someone
  20. spf
  21. CarrotyReaper
  22. Artemis (Mistyx)
  23. jail (min)
  24. Italy
  25. Silviu200530
  26. Cape90
  27. Apocryphal
  28. Jane
  29. Marluna
  30. Hippopablompoyeetus
  31. IcetFeelsPain
  32. bystander
  33. SirDerpsAlot
  34. Achromatic
  35. Frostwolf103
  36. Kiiruma
  37. Leafia
  38. Atlas
  39. gori
  40. WindwardAway
  41. beancat
  42. Kanave
  43. Kork
  44. Jarek
  45. Hehehaha420blazing (lol)
  46. Ashlyn
  47. Kelsier
  48. Selkie
  49. Hallia
  50. Gocj
  51. Meuh
  52. tris
  53. Ari
  54. Lucid_Daydream
  55. alexandra
  56. carbonated
  57. Creature
  58. JakeTheWolfie
  59. Marluxion
  60. Luxy
  61. Baudib1
  62. Yawn
  63. Millium
  64. Manny
  65. Dum
  66. SilverKeith
  67. Memekingpizza
  68. crazynuto
  69. Brakuren
  70. ash4fun
  71. Ranta
  72. dyachei
  73. ChaosNinjaGaming
  74. Ephemera
  75. an_gorta_slanktai
  76. Jinrou
  77. LittleLee
  78. neil_the_eel
  79. Stick
  80. firinn
  81. Gorta
  82. Porscha
  83. katze
  84. […]


  1. thepigeonnyc
  2. GGhana
  3. Zone_Q11
  4. Luka
  5. Apprentice
  6. […]


  1. Icibalus
  2. YoubutWorse
  3. DatBird
  4. Litten
  5. Arctic
  6. astand
  7. […]

Signups close 2024-05-31T21:00:00Z














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1 Like



That phase change is brutal.




The cookie thread battle is upon us.

Good for children and baby.


dead internet or something



a wild lumi appeared



Tragic, I love alignment conversion, false flips, game-ending jesters, and direct lies in my rolecard