Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

im not getting too far into this because i don’t want to start bickering d1
point being im not putting too much faith without good reason

Shortcuts won’t get your anywhere in life, ol pal. Learn that sooner rather than later.

i will take as many shortcuts if it means not reading an essay

Everyone has to do things they dont like. When I was a child my father would often put me to work at various businesses in my hometown. I couldn’t give a list but I remember one thing very well: Do things the old way. It’ll often seem like there’s an improvement to be made but you’ll find yourself more exhausted or with worse work and all for very little in return. This is the same. Read now to not need to catch up later. It’s good advice.


VOTE: O.kazo

Can we not vote the new guy.

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oh right before i forget
im giving you a kp checklist incase you get it 4 times in a row

You mean the new person who faked a persona until called out on it than dropped the act and disappeared?

Nah I’m happy here.

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shoot in the poe

don’t shoot d1/d2

thats about it

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Dropped not speed… sometimes my auto correct triggers me

Hmm actually I thought there was more votes on them.

Never mind.
But just try to keep in mind that if a player is new there is no direct expectation for them and you don’t know how that player plays so that player could just naturally be a Willager.

Agreed, Shoot Atlas Day 3.

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I’m voting them for quite the valid reason. New or not.

Shoot Atlas day 1

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bested yet again!

If I’m not mistaken your reasoning is “The Vote Post they made was overly done acting” or something right?

It’s not like I have to be all around.


The first x amount of posts minus their last 2 where they were “roleplaying” not understanding the basic premise of mafia was fake.

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Isn’t RPing and acting synonims?