Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

who else should I post unsolicited comments about

Zorvo’s kind of towny?

They like straight up admitted it was a play… am i crazy did that not happen?

In other news I’m multitabbing and I’m still bored lol

I skimmed too fast
probably missed it lol


I have no reads


I was really eager to rand as Mafia this game, I drafted a mission plan and everything tailored to this unique playerlist. All that time and effort, wasted!

Alright, we need as many town leaders as we can get. On a first reading, Leafia’s mildly villagery, Lol’s acting on-brand from Kaguya-sama (+ that groundhogs day loop FM he did on-site), I dislike Jarek’s insistence on voting the same individual “seemingly at random”, and nobody else stuck out to me.


im hurt, magnus
my one liners weren’t memorable enough for you?

Post more and you might end up in towncore?

that hurts, pot

since it was the only remotely ai thing to happen so far
lets talk about jarek

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Oh I did.
Feels like typical SoD to me.

i think his insistence, despite me disagreeing is towny
it shows early solving and trying to at least start getting the game running

zorvo is being zorvo as always
although he sounds more passive than usual im pretty sure its just due to nothing happening

Dying night 2? Sounds good to me.

I’m down.

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I think it’s just a meme thing you decide to do before the start of the game.
I do that sometimes.

him talking to neon about it makes it not an early funny tunnel over one thing aswell
overall i think its decent

Self Improvement :clap:

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also this argument is dumb and reminds me of cod1 and eliza shooting me to death over claiming nk in my first 3 posts

anything other than neon’s argument strike you?