[Game Thread - ENDGAME 2/17] The 'Supa Mario' Sorcerer17 - Mafia Wins

/vote min @Host_Account_1

Mins mafia btw.

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/vote Arctic @Host_Account_1

Arctic’s mafia btw.

don’t do it arctic

/vote Hippopablompoyeetus @Host_Account_1

Hippo’s mafia btw.

did you expect the walter white gif

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soulreading this town
read not binding

why did it put an apostrophe

th mafia belongs to arctic i guess

unironically though i found arctics opening post forced while reading it so

Okay so if you were real PR, what stops you from you know, dying, being killed, whatever else all because you outed?

Would I rather die with my backup over there, or kill four town and doom the game

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soulreading this mafia
/vote Marshal @Host_Account_1


/vote :b:ulgard @Host_Account_1

leaning village on min

Wahoo VC #1

Voted Voters Votes
Min Hippopablompoyeetus (#34) 1/9
Arctic Min (#35) 1/9
Hippopablompoyeetus Arctic (#37) 1/9
Marshal Vulgard (#43) 1/9
Vulgard Mistyx (#44) 1/9
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let it rand


it took an immense amount of willpower to make that post

250 votecount

Shut up

Wait don’t actually come back people need to talk

leaning v on atlas

Removing your backup from the game hinders Town, in fact, I’d argue you being alive to help the backup live is a better alternative no matter what