fuckign RUN. you need to get out of here NOW. im fucking serious this is life or death. gen 2 snorlax is coming to beat the shit out of you. it has 6 fucking moves somehow this is god damn serious please help
The Undisputed Eternal King (Passive) - Whenever a target of yours would survive one of your attacks due to a protective effect, spend 1 Offense Charge to bypass 1 protective effect. You start with 1 Offense Charge.
Leftovers (Passive) - Whenever you would die due to something other than execution, consume a Bulk Charge to survive. You start with 1 Bulk Charge.
Rest (Day) - Cure all negative effects affecting you. Gain 1 Bulk Charge. Fall Asleep for the next 2 nights. While Asleep, you may not submiit any actions other than Sleep Talk. - Infinite uses.
Sleep Talk (Night) - Can only be used while Asleep. Use Curse, Thunder, Earthquake or Double-Edge, chosen at random, againsat your target, even if that ability is out of uses. - Infinite uses.
Curse (Night) - Gain 1 Bulk Charge and 1 Offense Charge. You would lose speed, but your speed tier is shit anyway, so who fucking cares? - Infinite uses.
Double-Edge (Night) - If your target is Support or Investigative, they die. You automatically use Rest the day after using this move, unless you are already Asleep. - 1 use.
Earthquake (Night) - If your target is Social or Offensive, they die. If your target’s class depicts a Flying-type Pokemon, they will always be immune to this effect. - 1 use.
Thunder (Night) - If your target’s type is Killer or Special, they die. This ability has a 30% chance of missing. Fuck you. - 1 use.
LETS GO GAMBLING! aw dang it. aw dang it. aw dang i- what the fuck do you mean this is ubers in DPP
Dynamic Punch (NIght) - Has a 50% chance of inflicting Confusion against your target for 2-5 nights, the length selected at random. While Confused, there is a 50% chance that any actions performed will fail. If your target has the ability to kill another player with their abilities, if Confusion would cause an action to fail, it additionally has a 50% chance to kill the Confused player. - Infinite uses.
No Guard (Passive) - i lied about the first coinflip, Dynamic Punch always hits.
Who Wrote This Shit (Passive) - Immune to roleblocking and redirection.
We are all Pawns, controlled by something greater. Memes, the DNA of the Soul (Night) - Choose two players. They are redirected toward each other. This does NOT redirect the factional kill because fuck you.
Morph (Night 1, 1-shot) - Pick a neutral from a game hosted by Zone_Q11. Become that neutral, taking their role and win condition. This ability cannot be stopped in any way, and resolves instantly (so you can take actions as your new role N1). The host can choose to make you pick a different neutral.
You have no win condition. Obtain one using Morph.
Anti-climatic (Passive) - If at any moment, only one role of the opposing faction is stopping your win, instantly kill them.
Town wincon.
Mafia Special
Red Envelope (Day) - Pick a target, they may instantly choose between being converted to your team or giving you a 1-shot copy of a random ability of theirs, latter if they don’t pick in 24 hours. 3 uses, all uses are drained if they accept
For my Troubles (Passive) - If you get rejected by a target with no abilities, the factional attack will be strongman and ninja against them.
Your appearance is fearsome, and your temper even more so. Those around you cower and tremble in fear, knowing you could squash them all like nothing more than pesky bugs underfoot.
Intimidate: (Night, 3 uses) choose a player, their vote will count secretly zero as the next day (regardless of any modification), and any vote against them will secretly count as two. (Doesn’t stack with extra votes) The target learns, that they are Intimidated.
Extra vote (passive) If the player you voting gets executed, and they flip neutral, the next day, your vote secretly counts as two.
Free guess (passive) If the majority of the players guesses you as your role, you will die instantly.
Guess immunity (passive) Once a player was guessed as your role, you lose your “Free guess” ability.
Win-condition: Live to the end of the game as the sole Neutral. (If there are other living neutrals in game, when the game ends, you lose)
Blackmailer. (Btm edition)
Neutral offensive.
There is no currency more valuable than secrets, in this you are the richest in the land. You use them well to make others dance on your strings.
Blackmail: (Night, infinite uses) choose a player, they have to vote for a living player at the end of day, otherwise you kill them. (They aren’t notified that they are blackmailed.) If you kill a neutral player this way, your extra vote ability is activated. (If you voted out a different neutral, your vote will secrerly count as three the next day.)
Extra vote (passive) If the player you voting gets executed, and they flip neutral, the next day, your vote secretly counts as two.
Free guess (passive) If the majority of the players guesses you as your role, you will die instantly.
Guess immunity (passive) Once a player was guessed as your role, you lose your “Free guess” ability.
Win-condition: Live to the end of the game as the sole Neutral. (If there are other living neutrals in game, when the game ends, you lose)
Neutral social.
The hissing of steel and the hammering of iron are the finest music to your ears. The manipulation of metal is your expertise, be it used for good fortune or ill.
Secret knowledge: (passive) At each start of the day, you learn if anybody has secretly a different vote weight than 1. (You don’t learn how many vote counts they have).
Share the knowledge. (Day, 3 uses) Choose a player with a secret vote number and a player without one. You secretly switch their vote counts. You can use this ability multiple time in the same day.
Extra vote (passive) If the player you voting gets executed, and they flip neutral, the next day, your vote secretly counts as two.
Free guess (passive) If the majority of the players guesses you as your role, you will die instantly.
Guess immunity (passive) Once a player was guessed as your role, you lose your “Free guess” ability.
Win-condition: Live to the end of the game as the sole Neutral. (If there are other living neutrals in game, when the game ends, you lose)
Neutral offensive
Two can keep a secret…if you’ve shot one. Your trusty gun and silencer never leave your side, and you know that the simplest way to get rid of your competition is to silence them permanently.
Elimination. (Day, 1 use, chargable)
From D2 onwards, you can shoot a player, who received a vote the previous day, attempting to kill.
Mercenary. (Passive) Anytime a Neutral player dies, gain an extra shoot of “Elimination”.
Fair play. (Passive) Elimination can never have more than 1 charge at a time.
Extra vote (passive) If the player you voting gets executed, and they flip neutral, the next day, your vote secretly counts as two.
Free guess (passive) If the majority of the players guesses you as your role, you will die instantly.
Guess immunity (passive) Once a player was guessed as your role, you lose your “Free guess” ability.
Win-condition: Live to the end of the game as the sole Neutral. (If there are other living neutrals in game, when the game ends, you lose)
Royal (btm version)
neutral social
As sure as the sun rises in the east, you are the superior of all around you- and these background characters are all subject to your almighty whim. Royalty bows for no man.
secondary vote: (day, infinite uses)
pick a player in your pm, that player will recive a vote, which publicly will shown as the Royal’s vote. This vote will always count as one vote. (regardless of any other modifications) and counts toward majority.
Extra vote (passive) If the player you voting gets executed, and they flip neutral, the next day, your vote secretly counts as two.
Free guess (passive) If the majority of the players guesses you as your role, you will die instantly.
Guess immunity (passive) Once a player was guessed as your role, you lose your “Free guess” ability.
Win-condition: Live to the end of the game as the sole Neutral. (If there are other living neutrals in game, when the game ends, you lose)
Neutral special
Your mind has always been an eager sponge, quickly absorbing all the knowledge you could learn. These deadly contests are simply more things to learn, even if the stakes are much higher than a failing grade.
learning curve (passive) anytime a Neutral player dies, your votecount secretly increases by one.
Extra vote (passive) If the player you voting gets executed, and they flip neutral, the next day, your vote secretly counts one higher than your vote weight.
Free guess (passive) If the majority of the players guesses you as your role, you will die instantly.
Guess immunity (passive) Once a player was guessed as your role, you lose your “Free guess” ability.
Win-condition: Live to the end of the game as the sole Neutral. (If there are other living neutrals in game, when the game ends, you lose)
neutral offensive
Your art is simple- that of the last meal. You almost pity your victims, dying at the dining room table is such a shameful way to go.
Pick your posion: (night, infinite uses.) pick a player, they get poisoned, and will die at the end of the following day.
Extra vote (passive) If the player you voting gets executed, and they flip neutral, the next day, your vote secretly counts as two.
Free guess (passive) If the majority of the players guesses you as your role, you will die instantly.
Guess immunity (passive) Once a player was guessed as your role, you lose your “Free guess” ability.
Win-condition: Live to the end of the game as the sole Neutral. (If there are other living neutrals in game, when the game ends, you lose)
neutral social
Ink at hand with pen and parchment, you strive to make the greatest story. Be it from scandals or centrifuge, your words dart across the world like an inanimate hand. And with those words comes power.
Prediction (day, infinite uses) You can predict the role the player who will be executed today, if you are correct, the execution fails, and the next player who can be eliminated is executed instead. You can guess each GI role only once.
Extra vote (passive) If the player you voting gets executed, and they flip neutral, the next day, your vote secretly counts as two.
Free guess (passive) If the majority of the players guesses you as your role, you will die instantly.
Guess immunity (passive) Once a player was guessed as your role, you lose your “Free guess” ability.
Win-condition: Live to the end of the game as the sole Neutral. (If there are other living neutrals in game, when the game ends, you lose)
neutral special
You are an ever-changing spirit representative of Nature itself, showcasing the serenity and grace of water to the ferocity and aggression of fire. Stagnation is a foreign word to you, as change and adaptation are woven into your being.
Metamorphosis: (day, infinite uses) you can choose which form you take on this night. You have to choose differently, than the last night.
Fire form: You have (secretly) one extra vote next day (it stacks with extra vote), but you need one less vote to be executed.
water form: choose a player, they recieve a fruit of your choice. (fruit does nothing)
Nature form: You are immune to nightkills today, but you die if you are protected.
Extra vote (passive) If the player you voting gets executed, and they flip neutral, the next day, your vote secretly counts as two.
Free guess (passive) If the majority of the players guesses you as your role, you will die instantly.
Guess immunity (passive) Once a player was guessed as your role, you lose your “Free guess” ability.
Win-condition: Live to the end of the game as the sole Neutral. (If there are other living neutrals in game, when the game ends, you lose)
Neutral offensive
Why must the magical elite linger among the unpowered civilians? No matter. Your victory is near certain, as you are obvious the the most cunning and clever person here. The other contestants must be grateful that your powers are too flashy.
Sorcery: (day, 1 use) Target a player, you kill them regardless of any protection. Afterwards your role will publicly announced. You can’t use this ability at day 1. You can’t use this ability, when you are top wagon.
Extra vote (passive) If the player you voting gets executed, and they flip neutral, the next day, your vote secretly counts as two.
Free guess (passive) If the majority of the players guesses you as your role, you will die instantly.
Guess immunity (passive) Once a player was guessed as your role, you lose your “Free guess” ability.
Win-condition: Live to the end of the game as the sole Neutral. (If there are other living neutrals in game, when the game ends, you lose)
Court jester
Neutral special.
Life is nothing but the grandest game of all, and you are it’s shining star. A game’s no use without it’s protagonist, and you’ll stop at nothing to see your show go on.
Let’s just have fun (passive) Every time a neutral player dies, your vote weight is randomized. You will learn your new vote weight.
Extra vote (passive) If the player you voting gets executed, and they flip neutral, the next day, your vote secretly counts as two.
Free guess (passive) If the majority of the players guesses you as your role, you will die instantly.
Guess immunity (passive) Once a player was guessed as your role, you lose your “Free guess” ability.
Win-condition: Live to the end of the game as the sole Neutral. (If there are other living neutrals in game, when the game ends, you lose)
Soldier (btm version)
Neutral special.
You have seen terrible things, and been through horrors no soul should witness. You are hardened to all danger, nothing affects you now.
Immunity: You cannot die, except from executions, mafia factional kill’s and your own free guess ability.
Extra vote (passive) If the player you voting gets executed, and they flip neutral, the next day, your vote secretly counts as two.
Free guess (passive) If the majority of the players guesses you as your role, you will die instantly.
Guess immunity (passive) Once a player was guessed as your role, you lose your “Free guess” ability.
Win-condition: Live to the end of the game as the sole Neutral. (If there are other living neutrals in game, when the game ends, you lose)
Neutral special
You’ve spent your life in the shadows of your “betters”, those destined for bigger and better. Fortunately for you, a life behind the scenes has led to a finely-honed sense of knowing whether anything is awry.
Spyglass: (passive) you are notified, when anything changes during the game. You will learn the nature of the change(s), but not the exact result.
[this includes, but not limited to: alligment change, target change, role change, etc…]
Extra vote (passive) If the player you voting gets executed, and they flip neutral, the next day, your vote secretly counts as two.
Free guess (passive) If the majority of the players guesses you as your role, you will die instantly.
Guess immunity (passive) Once a player was guessed as your role, you lose your “Free guess” ability.
Win-condition: Live to the end of the game as the sole Neutral. (If there are other living neutrals in game, when the game ends, you lose)
neutral special
Back in your town, you were notorious for changing the intended outcomes of events. You turned weddings into divorces, murders into serial killings, and much more with the single inspiration of thought. You came here to test your skills.
Trickster (day, infinite use): You may tag at most 4 participants with a card, be it an Ace, King, Joker. If a participant already had a card attached to it, the new card will replace the old one. You can’t have more Jokers active as either Kings or Aces.
Heart of the cards (passive): At the start of each day phase you learn, how many of each of your cards are still in effect.
The effects of these cards only happen, when a player with a card visits an other player with a card.
Ace+Ace/King+King/Joker+Joker both player loses their cards.
Ace+King both players counts publicly two the next day and both player loses their card.
Ace+Joker, you will attempt the visitor for kill the player they visited and both player loses their card
King+Joker, both players lose their vote the next day and both player loses their card.
Extra vote (passive) If the player you voting gets executed, and they flip neutral, the next day, your vote secretly counts as two.
Free guess (passive) If the majority of the players guesses you as your role, you will die instantly.
Guess immunity (passive) Once a player was guessed as your role, you lose your “Free guess” ability.
Win-condition: Live to the end of the game as the sole Neutral. (If there are other living neutrals in game, when the game ends, you lose)
neutral special
You first learned the art of undeath in a dark, cold dungeon, where dead men were regularly resurrected to extract information from. Now you have come to this meeting to use your powers to gain unimaginable wealth and power. Your opponents will quiver before your mastery of death.
Deaths cannot foul me (passive): You always learn the original role of any dead player.
Necromancy: (night, 3 use): Choose a dead player, and gain one of their active ability as a one use ability.
Extra vote (passive) If the player you voting gets executed, and they flip neutral, the next day, your vote secretly counts as two.
Free guess (passive) If the majority of the players guesses you as your role, you will die instantly.
Guess immunity (passive) Once a player was guessed as your role, you lose your “Free guess” ability.
Win-condition: Live to the end of the game as the sole Neutral. (If there are other living neutrals in game, when the game ends, you lose)
543+16 (559)
neutral social
You carefully give out the prettiest flowers in your basket, nothing more and nothing less. But who could wish harm upon the giver of such a beautiful gift?
Caretaker: (day, infinite use.) Choose a player, they will recive a flower. They can’t guess anyone as the Gardener anymore, and if they are guessed as the Gardener, they will die.
Passive: You can’t guess anyone as the Gardener.
Extra vote (passive) If the player you voting gets executed, and they flip neutral, the next day, your vote secretly counts as two.
Free guess (passive) If the majority of the players guesses you as your role, you will die instantly.
Guess immunity (passive) Once a player was guessed as your role, you lose your “Free guess” ability.
Win-condition: Live to the end of the game as the sole Neutral. (If there are other living neutrals in game, when the game ends, you lose)
My Masterpiece (Night) - Select [x] players (you cannot self-target) and lock them out of general chat during the day. They will be put in a separate chat and given [x // 3 + 1] puzzles of your making (as approved by the GM). Upon completion, they will learn how many mafia members are in the group and be let back into general chat for the remainder of the day. If they fail to complete the puzzles before the day ends, they are released without this information. Players bound in the room may still vote and use day actions, but they are not allowed to use these to communicate with players. Mafia members can still communicate in mafia chat. - Unlimited uses
Defeat all members of the Mafia, as well as any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.