Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread 2 - Town emerged victorious!

i’m not even gonna ask what my slot did
i can probably figure it out

What is your slot again


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so what i’m getting with this is
we’re fucked
wazza left me exactly jack shit
but never fear trochi is here to save the day
idk i’m hoping fresh eyes can be of service since clearly y’all need it

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Oh yea

VOTE: Alice

give me a tldr on that

My two top town are dead and unsurprisingly flipped town

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Um what

@beancat why Alice

Her slot was pigeon, they’re fucking dead already lmao

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Following orders while I go and actually read


“trochi did you read anything”
okay well i did read plague slot since i was going to replace in there but my blacklist hadn’t expired yet and was like meh this is just low effort new town
but i think they’re dead so lol

“trochi will you read anything”
will be hella active tonight when i get back home

“trochi we love you you’re our savior marry me”
i’m taken sorry but i appreciate the flattery

@beancat, Alice → pigeon
pigeon got executed D3


Plagueslot is amelia

Yea you see how much I didn’t read ._.
Sorry for not being here yesterday

oh yeah aren’t you confirmed or some shit