Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Ill spend the rest of the day spamming one liners and antagonizing people for no reason

just shut up about it and move on

I think atlas’ defence of zone is >rand w

I don’t know anything about atlas but I am wary of going after people slanking day one when they admit they hate day one in a game with a lot of way to sort them. You are free to but the results suck for me when I have tried this years and years ago lol

I haven’t, so that’s true

these two

You think atlas classifies as a slanker?

Id call eevee or gorta or like eliza (if we’re looking at self-admitted d1 haters) more slanky

Heya Gorta, mind doing some stuff and spitting out some reads for me?

so basically my plan is to look at a few high posters when I wake up and a few low posters

Hm. Depending on whether it is forced or not, I may or may not have to stop my shot.

If it is a forced redirection, then I might as well just shoot anyway. It’s too late to take my words back now.

If it isn’t forced, then I should probably holster instead of threatening Illwei with death without reading the entire thread.

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You are not wrong on ‘more’, but yeah Atlas is slanking for me in terms of effort.

do you want it in broken English, typos, and skewed judgement?


its funny

Easier to read you that way so yes.

i assume its forced because its a neutral

…eh. I have 20+ hours. I should just take my time and read the thread tbh.

The one thing i will give room for is bc if you hate d1 its like >=50% chance because youre a mech player and lack of reads on d1 would be expected

I want to have my full brain power for making reads, so I will be back very early in the morning

Slanking in terms of effort isnt how ive heard it used before lol