Health Conditions

I guess mine is pretty mild then

More mild conditions incoming i guess

  • ADHD
  • Deviated Septum - basically I cant breathe through my nose cause my nose is deformed
  • Dont know the name but my body doesnt produce the enzymes that break down alcohol, so I can’t drink or I’ll get hammered on a sip
  • Asthma

My physical health is pretty mild for the most part
I have

  • Both atopic and contact dermatitis; however in my teens it’s developed into a more subtle annoyance than the gargantuan, noticeable red & itchy patches that were so bad my mum mistook it for meningitis before I got diagnosed (it’s so bad that I am prescribed steroid cream and was recommended to enter a clinical trial for new treatment which my mum put me in).
  • My glasses prescription was absolutely horrific when I was younger too. However, it’s gotten WAY better in my teens. My prescription is now
  • Classical hayfever but that’s pretty boring
  • Not diagnosed but almost certain I have Reynaud’s which might be a complication of my dermatitis. The skin behind my ears also peel off in the cold (literally peel).

I’m very lucky that my physical health is only limited to inconveniences but I feel like my windpipe should be a bit larger. When the doctor suspected I had asthma and prescribed me an inhaler l was like HOLY HELL I literally got hooked on the gas the inhaler gives it tasted so nice and let me BREATHE for once

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my mental health condition is that I am the joker


Because of this I have firebombed multiple orphanages and I do not intend to stop

Why do you all have nerd physical conditions which mean you can’t go outside and need glasses

you are secretly an abomination on God’s green earth created by your parents to kill God

You will be activated by the kill code known as X**h£

You are the AntiChrist, this is further reinforced by you being British

how can you play mafia without phoneposting

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I refuse to share my numerous neurological deficits with you fucking clowns

you know there may be a correlation between physical conditions and spending time on the internet


i have a laptop and don’t need a portable brain extender, rip to you i guess

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If I find any of you people IRL I will bully you to death

No exceptions

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I will shove you all into a locker

Just one

do it you coward


7 posts in a row


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i could def take u in a fight scrub


You wanna fucking square up

Post your address

We’ll meet at the mall

Last time I fought a man I bit him to death

Cry about it