Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

it prob doesnt matter because like i said

if its one of my unoutted alts im probably playing differently enough that any meta you can extrapolate is probably shaky at best


in the poisoner game i felt like whenever people asked for arete games you were like




and you’re not doing that here

okay now that im typing this i just realized half of your spreadsheet is full of dead links now (same)

but still its somewhat less LAMIST

oh, absolutely

i mean i literally accidentally posted on my main… while pretending to be chloe…

with that said (since i see the TSP post) oranges conversation with chloe was definitely not me and while i cannot prove i still have not actually read the conversation i uh. still have not read the conversation. :wowee:

all the swapped signing i can think of has solely been because we thought it was funny tho

i tried and then realized me and her are super super different and kinda gave up and accepted we were outted :wowee:

Yes this is why I’m scared of that

chloe posted a polidab pretending to be me because we both agreed it was really funny but im too lazy to find it


actually since the mainslip that might actually be it???

damn it

tbh i was waiting for someone to say this

me and chloe are p similar and i can probably pass as chloe but

i do think if you look at any of our posts you can figure out who posted it mostly by demeanor

oh i ignored this cause that game literally died but chloe replied to this and said “yeah i guess thats true but i dont like reading it please stop mentioning that game”

I mean I’ve never swap signed a post in my life*

Even when it would really have behooved me to (looking at you, sulit)

*I think I did one as a joke in one of the prior TSP games but it was specifically meant for Arete to call out immediately and have it be funny and that’s what happened

Which is also why I only just realized I should be scared of it

ok so if neither of you are scum….fuck i’m misreading others


i have valid reasons to townread each even if it’s slight

but unless it’s exactly you two there’s still at least one scum in here


I’m down for a third cat fact

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i think chloe can do a better katze impression than the other way around in the sense that

im consistently inconsistent and p much always type the same (and you can realistically do anything while larping as me and it’s prob in character) but chloe typoes are a science that is impossible to perfectly replicate consistently imo

anyway chloe wanted me to voice a idrc/FPSers team in thread

Feel like I’m happy with our pool even if I’m not happy with the fact it is too large

Caracal caracal -caracal



nobody can replicate us cause it’s twice the effort :sunglasses:

On that note is she around

also my sleep schedule is terrible so if it happened in the morning then its confirmed not me (altho her schedule isnt much better rn i think)

i can summon her but shes alternating between “struggling to keep the thread closed” and “doing homework like she should be doing” which is why im here

Taking that as a yes

Tell her to voice it herself please

talk to me about this
just vibes or particular reasons

yes im here but i really shouldntbe LMAO

(tangent but if you would like your spreadsheet not to be full of dead links all the URLs are the same minus the site name at the beginning (but like the numbers part is the same))

(if you knew that and are just lazy then valid, same)