Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

I’m a Leafeon. Did you expect me to have scales? Joking aside, I don’t really understand your wolfread on me. A lot of people were ignoring that stuff with Arete if memory serves me correctly. :sleepingleafeon:

(You asked what post started my thought was specifically this one i didn’t like the summary part specifically not the job i work 45-55 hours weeks i get it for that.

But also i could have used a better word then sync that was me trying to keep the music type of thing had nothing to do with that.

Just thought this post was honestly quite wolfy for what it assumes and presents.)

Sure thing. :sleepingleafeon: Although I’m not sure he’s awake right now. :sleepingleafeon:


Whats your read on engineergaming

This is chleb

Ah. Got it. :sleepingleafeon:

Well, let’s go over the reasons why I scumread you now. This list is getting bigger the more we talk.

You have consistently responded to my accusations against you with jokes.
You seem to not really care about what is going on itt, or hunting wolves.
And you seem to make up reasoning for your past actions.

Tell me, leafia, did you really not talk about that discussion becayse you were more concerned with looking for wolves somewhere else?

Litten hush for a bitze love u

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I’m vigging you tonight

Y’all are referencing past games and fancy terminology, I am the absolute young’un here.
My only time here has been the funny door game.

  • Drinks :wave:
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i’m trying to keep up a more consistent record of my thoughts to avoid the problem of enemy within where my slot just had a collection of nicroreads
so other birds have things to build off of hopefully and my thought processes are clearer
it’s helping so far!

a few things from my note logs:

arete- scumlean, cftwr, also would be funny to use their own advice to hang them correctly lmao

(also sorens throwing sirens out)

aelin- probably town, slapping it on there for now cause why not feels rightish idgaf what she says

kat- i hope town but at the very least not scum with arete

i don’t actually really know how to read kat but im sure it’ll be ok

ruby/drinks- also probably town, is this an effort read yes but also not sure if either would actually do that as scum so yes

eli/litten- likely town yeah because i’m god

addendum kat could actually be w/w with arete this passive aggressiveness is like
the usage of sweetheart ??? performative?

update ok nvm the tinfoil kat probably town i really don’t think “i have more important things to do than play a game i’ve already perfected at midnight when i can instead play games i have not perfected” comes from mafia it’s just exasperated town ok

wait is this the kat bitchtell
wait can kat fake the bitchtell
does it even exist anymore
hush brain kat probably town
soren shut up please it’s not w/w


game feels like exactly 2 scum have posted and like they’ve done a little theatre and toyed with us already
do i know who it would be no
yes ik i don’t have 2 scumreads yet but still it feels like it

oh i forgot leafia existed thanks mr fk
could be right about leafia/arete team and would fit earlier theory
i do remember leafia was less tunnely and a bit more agreeable as scum-buddies
maybe if i poke her something will come out of it

……elitten pocketing us?
no hush you’re supposed to be confident and not paranoid anymore go with ur gut (and the annoying voices) he’s actually probably right and town for it

fk/kat team technically? possible teaming up to discredit typically obvtown people like leafia and arete and link them together for misyeet
but leafia/arete still more plausible idea looking at things as a whole

these are in chronological order btw

Not if i vig u first

you wouldn’t dare

oh fuck that’s a wall

which head is this

and if it’s the not-Ruby head how experienced are you

Hmmm, what they’re doing towards my slot is pretty weird if they’re a wolf and I personally don’t think their reasoning for scumreading me is very good.

I think it’s more likely that they’re trying to get a better read on me based on my reactions to their push.

The possibility exists that they’re a wolf trying to get me to start attacking them and defending myself so that I look scummy, but I’d say GTH that they’re town right now.

God dammit I was going to say that. :sweat_smile:

  • Brad


another problem I forgot to mention is reading from a script

who is telling you these things

/vote LeafiabutWorse




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