initiative to improve townplay

I heard that other sites win more often cuz they kill more wolves than villagers
have we tried this


Yes we already tried to kill litten


if we no-elim every day then we’ll never kill villagers → profit


buy siege and add me

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0>0 true


real talk time
i think the natural wolfsidedness of these forums is just a natural quirk of the layout
it’s auto updating infinite scroll
it never slows down and it sure as hell never stops
combined with some of the players with more psychotic natures (yes i am literally the problem) it naturally contributes to a highly chaotic threadstate that allows wolves to easily overtake the perpetually disorganized town
most people never re evaluate unless hard pressed to do so or forced into doing so by an emergency (even though being wrong on your top reads should naturally be the largest source of paranoia (yes i am STILL the problem)) or otherwise will rapidly bias theirselves into a corner where they can no longer re evaluate someone, even if they had formed that read far too quickly for it to be reliably accurate for one reason or another
the website is host to the perfect possible conditions for a wolf to play in and that’s probably never really something that can change (and also i fucking refuse to play on anything other than auto updating infinite scroll because i hate perpetually clicking refresh buttons of any kind)
on top of all of that a majority of the people on these forums are slightly

i don’t know how to put it
unique in playstyle?
namely the fact that most people who are reading this likely either suffer from fancy play syndrome, compulsive confbias, or a horrible, unfathomably contagious disease that forces you to do nothing but fluffpost constantly

i feel as though i’m following a straight line and yet i don’t know where i’m going with this anymore so i’m going to just pretend i’ve ended that conclusively
tldr; skill site issue
thank you for coming to my ted talk
and yes, i am literally every problem i had just described


i think this is the first time i have ever made a post with more than 20 lines of text


It is now the last



was waiting for someone to say it lol

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so true bestie

theres also the fact that i feel like 90% of the players dont actually care about improving so the same shit ends up happening

i also have no idea why the majority of these people continue to play when they get the same crappy results


to be fair at least i make it a point to remember my fuckups so i can at least fuck up in a unique way every time

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because we wouldn’t have a site without em

nobody will ever chain in thread dayvig 3 town in a row and then later go on to do basically the same thing but somehow with a 15% hitrate before going on to doubtclear a tunneled wolf like me


this site is actually a hellscape where mafia sinners who have no desire to improve end up perpetually replaying the same shitty outcomes


its called playing for fun

mafia isnt meant to be a competitive esport is a party game


if this is a party game then i think we’d have cleaner games playing monopoly


yes but it doesnt even seem like they have fun doing it either lol


thats their problem

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looking back i’ve actually fumbled the entire game for my team like
a lot
holy shit