[MISC] Minority Rule - Itemized Insanity [GAME OVER - NO VICTOR]

what did this do

waiting for someone to be randomly saved by jester

Pray for random ass graveyard

Letā€™s go


Curse you physics. Getting pulled in had me out of luck XD

when you have so many rooms alliance feels like a dumb room to have tbh

i forgot to vote on the poll so this is just me coping donā€™t mind me


while I agree

L + ratio + get rekt + seethe

i know itā€™s so fucking funny

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whoops lemme rand it uhhhhhh
iā€™ll put it in the post proper

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I rolled it, it became Sacrifice. Aka because it wasnā€™t picked, it did nothing

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Valentine can only be picked by the Devout!



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marl does

iā€™m officially picking valentine

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i should be so dead by now tbh
idk why iā€™m not

I knew the Cavern was deadly.

Iā€™m selecting Target. There are five active players this turn. If you join me in this room, youā€™re very likely dead due to majority.

Furthermore, you shouldnā€™t want Target because that guarantees youā€™ll be affected by any negative effects. You will certainly be pulled by Magnet every single turn, which could keep you away from any particularly good effects you might want next turn. You have been warned. This is not a bluff.

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Further reasons to disincentivise a few of you against choosing this room anyway, just because:
You will certainly lose your current status. For Chili and Marl, Devout is a better status than Target to have.
For everyone else, Janeā€™s Insane and might choose this room anyway, since Valentineā€™s locked off. Jane might also pick Magnet, but thatā€™s neither here nor there. For your own safety, you would do well to isolate yourself.

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iā€™ve already stated publicly iā€™m going valentine dw

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