[MISC] Minority Rule - Itemized Insanity [GAME OVER - NO VICTOR]

You were honest the last two rounds, and you have a genuine reason to go with Valentine because you literally cannot die from majority then unless you’re pulled to Magnet and that’s maj. You’re not the name I was worried about

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Since rooms take effect before majority, maybe you should tell everyone to leave you alone and go Radical.

What prevents someone from stating that they will do the same, because they believe they will die to majority if they don’t?

Because barely anyone is eligible to do such a thing
YBW and Orange are missing, Chili and Marl are Devout, I’m going to Target, Jane’s the recipient. I guess Eliza could do it?

By the way, congrats to everyone for surviving this far.

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i’m an honest bird
never lied not a day in my life!

the point is you can’t really claim a room to yourself at this stage of the game because there are so few players

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i can claim one for a future lover and i (:<

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Magnet is off limits for everyone because it’s way too risky to worth it becoming majority
Valentine is devout

You have 5 people who have 6 choices then

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wait LMAO litten is still poor little meow meow

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no I’m not


my bad, poor wittle meow meow
that’s so much more distinguished

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ur hallucinating

wait wtf


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you hallucinated the whole event
I never had that title

Guess I was also hallucinating.

@Trochilidae joycat cult


i mean it wouldn’t be the first time but still

mass hallucination is a known phenomenon

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