[Misc] One Night Ultimate Werewolf (10/10) - YBW wins!

yeah i go sleep too, gn
just gotta finish episode 5 of squad game (this series is stresful lol)

Itā€™ll make things a lot easier if they can since we have at most 1 werewolf.

Good night to you too.

if there IS 1 werewolf, it means less chance to vote it though :frowning:

as opposed to if there were 2 wolves to vote for town win con*

True. Best case is we donā€™t have a werewolf. We should be able to get a better idea about the state of things once everyone has checked in.

well yeah, if this is to be believed I know what Zorvo is now, I cannot confirm you but I can tell you now Iā€™m not an insomniac or well wasnā€™t

Any reason for you to keep Zorvoā€™s role a secret for now?

The players who the troublemaker swaps dont know fs they were swapped or what they were swapped into if they were swapped

Good reason.

Iā€™m inclined to believe Mansnicksā€™s claim though.

Im not sayin its false just that they wouldnt know eachothers roles. I got no reads rn im just checkin thread at work

I know and okay.

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me and squirrel mason


Nice. Very nice.

unless we somehow donā€™t get told if anything changes during the day

I am withholding my claim untill some more people check in btw but i belive mansnicks on his claim so fair

Things can only change at night.

You are not told if your role changes

Unless you are the Insomniac