Osie's 18th Circle of Hell Game Thread - Game Over

Trivea game = the death game

Both me and TGT are here rn but just vibing

I don’t think that whyspers douse saved me

We were told that our death was going to come later on two separate occasions but it was inevitible

Yeah, I doubt that the douse affected the trivia/death game thing. That sounds like a special situation.

Fwiw Whysper being villager track with what Shes sad but I am still skeeved by alignment stuff

maybe the douse just makes actions on a player delayed?

Yeah lots of :shrug: have been given when trying to make sense of logical contradictions. I’ve chalked it up to we aren’t supposed to know the answer or at least not yet when we get a :shrug:
-TGT tbc

I counted 8 voting system changes so far, and 7 host votes.
Maybe “vote fortressoflies” counted as a hostvote…?

No, I don’t think so. It actually describes what has to happen for them to be targeted. But again, I don’t really want to give that part away because then it makes my ability kind of useless :slight_smile:

see i wish they hadn’t done this because now we don’t know if it was voting the host or voting osie that triggered it

That’s a thought which might work.


/vote fortressoflies

Number of host votes: 6-8

6 Vote system changes,

so I guess voting for Silviu/Host or anyone other than Spectatochat doesn’t count.

Poor Silviu, maybe they are the true evil of this game

Okay, I’m convinced at least that voting Osie would change the voting system.



Two of those has 2 voting system changes in them

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but whysper hasn’t had a night 2 yet

Good gravy another thing that does not compute.

Yeah, not sure if it would have affected both nights. The ability does have a part saying for as long as they are doused in blood. So maybe it stays on the one person until I get a chance to switch.

can we not try and change it again though it is on a pretty good system right now

Technically speaking it could be Whysper submitted early, and then it applied to both our nights for whatever reason

I’m just gonna ask osie

But it is a night ability, so I guess it will be a long time before I get to do it for someone else :slight_smile:

Yeah, I did submit it early as a placeholder so I didn’t forget. Then I decided to just leave it.