Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

I kept getting caught up in the "but using the fake poison doesn’t have a material benefit, and no matter how much I WIFOM it, it gives town information as to our priorities… but thinking back, the purpose of the fake poison was to allow you to poison town leaders without making them an IC for a day, which we simply did not do, leading to an Arctic/Vulgard F5. I will say that we did take the fun route. No cowardice. They can live.

So that’s why you didn’t kill Achro N1 in WWFM right?

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Well, we lost to our lack of cowardice, so forgive me for overcompensating.

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Neither of us can win our wolf games, can we?

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Every loss streak is a chance for a new comeback story.

I used to have a BOTF loss streak. Statistically speaking I should’ve won at least once in… I think eight games on the old site, although to be fair I was still terrible at playing the field in Mafia.
Then I won that one No Dashii game and it was really disappointing in hindsight because I didn’t really do anything personally.

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Yeah, that was always my fear with my loss streak. That my first win would feel undeserved. It’s why I psychically willed that Hell Echoes moderror into existence. Luckily, One Step From Eden was a game I was willing to accept as my first win. Narratively satisfying. For. Well. You know. Reasons.

Brad not posting, Jaiden being super obviously partnered with Brad.
Who pointed that out first? I don’t remember.

I don’t remember. All I remember is that I was fully convinced Jaiden was softing being unaligned with me with the Romeo and Juliet quotes, and then I had to share with the class why in the world I thought that was so incriminating. Very funny. I told that story to some non-mafia friends midgame and they made fun of me for it so bad.

I want it to be me just so I don’t need to feel bad for Jaiden reading me first this game when nobody else was casting weird looks at me.

My VPN has not worked at all today.

Wins are always deserved, May.

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I checked. It was you.

Other people’s wins are always deserved. I am obsessed with self-improvement and will not be satisfied until I hard carry a clean sweep

I’ve arguably done that twice on the Loop server, as either alignment, but the wolf one had a final vanity-day where we’d not technically won yet because of an extremely convoluted town victory path involving a 3P and a lot of favourable RNG, so a wolf was voted out (because we knew our win was inevitable and were all outed). The town one I was in a hydra for, and my buddy was marginally more correct than me (we were both onto the wolves, but she had a smaller PoE for them). So. Still not satisfied. I will have my perfect game someday

when the postgame has 700 posts and half of them aren’t even about the game that just ended


atlas couldn’t post 2000 times during the game since he was hosting so he had to get it all out now

then you have may and magnus


I resent that remark.

i didnt see you resend it anywhere


i resent your mother but she keeps coming back to me and i’m a nice guy

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