Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

Oh fuck I thought the day was already over lmao

Why am I still here

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“yea guys wazza it totally W she only talked about how squirrel was locktown i’m pretty sure this spews squirrel W”

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Wazza can just add both Marl and Squirrel to the hood and let them settle it smh


tempted to actually put my pronouns so eli has to go with it

Who was the one who claimed falsely copcheck on someone and they were correct.

Yeah obviously if I’m mafia it’d be a misplay to add me no shit.


Hey Wazza if you let me live you can keep me in the hood

I saw that

it was sussy as hell

what are u even talking about

Saw what :innocent:

Okay but we can just be in a grander hood with Blizer

It’s called deadchat

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You are Emilia
You like murder

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why did blizer even claim in the hood

didnt he agree with me that wind was just a wolf


@Blizer btw sorry I didn’t listen to you lmao

You are murder
You like Emilia

He knew he was dying anyway

Yes lol
Idk why he claimed, i told him not to

He even claimed who he protected the night before which was even worse