Poor Approximations of Catgirls [Game Over - Mafia Win]

Its not that im like “herp derp wolves dont bus xD” but like, why hardbus 2 of parteners straight after the LW died. Just bus 1 if ur gonna do it surely?

hippo why am i town

other than there not being a case on me

Honestly I think we also can’t get a decent case on people because we are trying to wolf case town :upside_down_face:

But I obviously can’t prove any of that

This is pretty much exactly what lost us the game on my latest FoL game.

And got me yeeted in my latest EM game d4, although we won that in the end.

“Wisdom gave us the wolves and got them killed but their brain is wired differently so they gotta be a wolf” :stuck_out_tongue:

How many of you have legitimately cased either Wisdom or Misty anytime recently?

@Mistyx Marluxion.
You can confirm this in my iso, I asked him if he had gotten a message since I realized “slept peacefully” could mean “action recieved” and not “action blocked”

I had a Alana watched Marshal and tried to get it out without outting my role.

I planned to claim tracker initially but first thought Alana was town so claimed parity cop instead. Then she got sus (and people started sussing me) and I claimed tracker. Then she messed up her claim and I knew she was a wolf so I had to out my watcher action after all.

Why did u think they were town? What did u think they were doing to Marshal?

Also do u know how stupid a parity check would have ended up here if u didn’t eventually reverse that claim?

I thought they were the cop who had checked Marshal since they ended d1 calling Marshal wolf and started d2 calling Marshal town. And I knew Alana targeted Marshal.

Then she posted a readlist where Alana was 3rd top so cop theory stopped making sense.

Right, that’s part of the alignment cop thing. I kinda wanted to link the two of them together to show I had found Alana and wanted to cover.

Yeah it would have gotten two wolves killed.

Really, u were going for a same alignment check? Doesn’t seem that way

But ur claim wasn’t useful right? U said it so urself

? I specifically said they I had a check saying they were aligned.

But u called Alana town?

Which of them?
I think in hindsight I probably would have gotten both of them killed if I went to the tracker claim and Alana messing up.

Had I claimed watcher from the start it wouldn’t have been as easy though

Yeah so I said both of them were town since I thought Alana was cop with a greencheck on Marshal.

Started with the tracker claim *

Holy fuck wolves have fake claims, Jesus Christ man

Ya I can’t figure this shit out in 3 hours lmao, I didn’t know wolves had a list of roles not in the game

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