Poor Approximations of Catgirls [Game Over - Mafia Win]

I think the resistance to voting Hippo strongly indicates he’s the poisoner


I’ve asked people multiple times to consider that Hippo should be in the PoE
And I said earlier today I thought he was the poisoner but had no proof
But resistance to voting him, and trying to push slots other than his to go over first, is probably indicative he’s most likely our poisoner because everyone else here except for maybe min has been wagoned at some point or another
I guess min is a possibility but I really don’t think his play has been wolfy whatsoever

this fits with what i’d been trying to bring up at SOD
that marshal could’ve been just trying to get one last misyeet in

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i am going to continue to resist wagoning hippo because im based also i think he’s town

that said his posts today have kind of sucked so

but you townread me uwu

yeah so i wanna kill millium or bladescape

even tho blade is prob a wolf i still townread him so ok

tell me why you think he’s town again

I am vetoing voting Millium, I’ll take the fall for it if I’m wrong but I’ve thought he was town all game and still do

lemme go get the post

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What resistance there are probably like two wolves left lmao

Nobody has wanted to vote Hippo the entire game, really

I agree with that, I thought u referring to today

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I’m gunna be starting work soon just a heads up

Yes I’m sure his one teammate doesn’t want him dead lol

But every time anyone brought up even mild suspicion on Hippo in the thread iirc, the idea got dismissed very quickly by someone else chiming in that he’s been towny, without giving any examples.

Moonwink brought Hippo up as a discussion topic as well in the hood, with examples on why she thought he was towny, and I think Squirrel slightly disagreed with the examples but agreed he’d been overall towny (so I’m not trying to say that it’s unusual or bad and wrong that people were townreading him, cause even I thought he was towny on D1)

It’s moreso that he’s kind of been floating in the game and not making any discernible impact and I find that worrying now that we have two wolves plus the LW dead
You’d think as town he’d be more fired up? Idk, maybe he’s really just been busy irl so I’ll wait to judge him till he posts his in-depth analysis of whatever he’s analyzed today, but I am not optimistic ill see it before I either run out of posts or fall asleep lol.

I have a feeling the remaining wolf slots are solvable off interactions (or lack thereof) with each other today, but I don’t have the energy to go digging and preflipping before I die, and I’m dying tonight, so someone else will have to do it.

I had a random thought that blade could be a 3p triplevoter in which case we wouldn’t need him dead to win, but that’s a weird role for a neutral and we don’t even know for sure if we have neutrals. So I don’t really have any other comment on this; it just came to mind because he kept saying his play doesn’t come from a wolf triplevoter, but he’s never given a reason his play would come from a town triplevoter, either.

Don’t think I have anything else to say at the moment so I’m just gonna post this and wait for a bit before replying again.

is moonwink still alive

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Yes lol

today my manager at work told me that he likes and chooses to be fat so that people assume he’s lazy and also offer him food

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i know this isn’t game relevant it’s just a strange thought