Publicly Reviewed Roles Thread

Heretic is not dumb the commoners simply don’t understand it

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:star: :star: :star2:


With the updated win on it seems like something a masochistic person would want to play. But, that’s still enjoyable for a certain type of player, so that’s really interesting. Honestly, it is a pretty creative role that has absolutely no down sides and just creates fun for everyone (including the host). Like, what isn’t fun about having <= 66% of the player base die n1?

You know maybe I realize converting botc characters into standard FM format wasn’t a good idea.


I’ll post something maybe a little more interesting I guess that maybe could work in standard FM format.

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Role name: Psychopath
Alignment: Evil
Ability: Each day, it can choose to publicly reveal itself to kill a player. If it is executed that day, it plays Rock-Paper-Scissors with the person who nominated it; if it doesn’t lose it survives the execution and day ends.
Wincon: Get the game down to 2 living players without the Good team achieving their win condition.

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Role Name: Snitch
Alignment: Town
Ability (Negative-Utility): All members of the Mafia learn 3 roles that are not in this setup.
Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to Town while having atleast one member of Town survive in the end.

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That win condition is wrong but okay

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Well I converted it.

It still works.

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:star: :star: :star: :star2:


Funny Rock Paper Scissors and vote avoiders are funny, too bad they get brutally murdered the next night. It’s a serial mayor pirate

The dust settles, out of the mist a man appears, covered in blood. The man wears a cowboy hat, torn from the countless scars of his intense battles. The sand crunchs under the wait of an opponent’s leather faced boots. “It’s your time to face the law” the Cowboy said. The Psychopath showed no expression, his mind was already fixated on one thing, “I challenge you to a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors”. The cowboy was stunned “What?” The Psychopath continued, “You ready? On 3, 1… 2… 3…” . “Rock!” “Scissors!” The Psychopath won. The cowboy, felt blood rush from his chest, he was already dead. The towns folk ran to apprehend the Psychopath, but once the dust settled, no one was there.

wrong win condition nerd

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This is just a vanilla town that actively harms town. I mean I guess it could be useful if Mafia tmi slip that there isn’t a role, but it’s basically a vanilla.

The Snitch was useless, town critiqued him for always helping evils, “Policy Lynch” they all cried. The Snitch, unfazed continued to feed information to the mafia, “I am a spy” the Snitch thought to himself. The snitch thought that he was going to join the mafia, and then leak all of the members of the mafia to the town, as such he actively leaked info to the mafia. However, the snitch had no idea what info he was giving to the mafia, he was just possessed by the spirit of RNG. Each night, the mafia would receive a letter “It seems a traitor is helping us”, stated the mafia member. Yet once they opened the letter they realized that someone was sending them spam mail and they added them to the blocked list. Thus the Snitch to this day constantly sends letters to a full mailbox, with no one caring to ever open it.

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this is very sad.

I will post Twister now.


Role Name: Twister
Alignment: Evil
Ability: During the day phase, you may make references to a 90’s movies. Each night phase, for every reference the host can confirm (you may speak with the host in your classcard dm to confirm references), another player may die, if the Storyteller chooses so.
Win Condition: Reach parity with Town.

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See even brakuren likes funny RPS role


(Also for context town doesn’t really have night KP where it exists so)

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I had to work with a certain someone who is (at the very least a little bit) biased against Cops while I was making this role, and after a short period of talking, I do agree that if it wasn’t for the X-Shot limitation, the Multi-Cop would be better off continuously using their ability as a normal 1-target Cop.

I originally had it set as 2-Shot, except the other party’s bias insisted that a 2-Shot Cop in general is still overpowered, so I tried to see how you would response to a 1-Shot Multi-Cop.

The role is meant to be used in small numbers rather than gambling with 50%. The original formula was just “1/X”, but then I realized that the Cop could just gamble and rely on backwards logic to find scum. Hence why I remade the formula as it is now, as means to say: “More targets means less credibility. It’s basically Random Cop at that point.”


I like how Zone posted a serious role and meanwhile me and Amelia are just spamming random botc roles.


I think the problem here is most roles you’d want reviewed would be in closed setups


What if I posted Octuple Threat Noble/Prince

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Wait a minute. How would Brakuren respond to Town Weaver?
…darn. I want to see the reaction, but at the same time I feel like that’s softcore torture.

Anyhow, how about a classic role from my homesite?

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