Starcraft Overhaul FM - Signups Filled! (16/16)

Wait, who should the wolves be? We’ve gotta decide this ahead of time to ensure everyone’s on the same page

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Since I’m always the Red Herring, I may as well be a Town Miller at this point. You’re contractually obligated to rand Town. Eliza’s always misexed as Town. The team is exactly Zorvo and Jarek, since they both slipped.
Your move.



“Hey Magnus, I’m a Tracker and I saw you visit multiple players last night. Did you carry the factional kill alongside your ability, or…?”

Oh, nonono. I’m the Town Multitasking Jack-Of-All-Trades.


Oh, see, I’m a forgetful visiting role - when I write down my target’s address, I accidentally smudge the house number, so I end up knocking on the wrong doors a few times, that’s all.



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Where is 3p?
I think most 3P roles are very stressfull to play.


You can’t just put 3P roles into a basket.

I have the opposite problem, where most 3P roles bore me to death. I think it’s because, being a solo player, I feel no social pressure to not completely throw the game. I still try to try, of course, but… can’t say I have an endless fountain of WiM to draw from. At least when you’re playing mafia or town you have teammates to let down.


That’s why I always townside so hard as 3P - I can at least draw some motivation and entertainment of the game by trying to figure out who the mafia are, since I hate not knowing things. “Survivor?” No, I’m going to push multiple consecutive wolves, get the majority of the town to lockclear me, and only dodge being nightkilled immediately by realizing that the mechanic intended to prevent me from publicly claiming and never getting killed didn’t work.


Then why not seperate mafia and town roles as well?

It is very different if I play important Town PR or less important town role. The same goes for mafia roles.

Because all Town and Mafia have the same wincon, but that doesn’t apply to 3Ps.

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All roles have the same wincon - play the game in a funny enough way that you can tell the story to your friends who don’t understand forum mafia.


I try to act like I’m the main character, but I’m not talented enough for the role.

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Because of this:

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…oh yeah. Silviu200530 pre-inned.
Forgot about that. I’ll add him now.

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Hello there


Oh my god the OP