Worst Role Tournament (FINALS)

only checked this thread to see if someone took my nomination, gj

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Nothing wrong

Take this slander out of ur mouth

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Never checked it out.

/Nominate: Arvis
Featured in : Insurgency

So this class is not a bad card. Its a strong af card to the point it heavily pushed the favor in scumteams side. Its one of my worst designed roles cause it gave the scum team a reward for no reason that heavily pushed the already scum powered team to be even stronger. The owner of this car Kiiruma grand executed a player that wasn’t kind of townread by general public but was heavily scumread (by a wolf) by Kiiruma. So in a result them two thousand gold because with your Grand Execution you either got someone dead you wanted, or you got hella money. That hella money went to buy the scum team some of the hardest to get items in the store that helped them in the ITA fest that would be the next day.

/Nominate: Diavlo
Featured in: Jojos Part 5

Day 1 Vig. That can remove time from the day multiple times, and a godfather. This card was so suped up for no reason, and luckily got ITA’ed early into Day 2 iirc. But it killed a player roughly 2 hours and 23 minutes. Overall just to much and and really ruined the fun for a player. Luckily they got some payback with the vig that had dead interaction.

/Nominate: Axl Ro
Featured in: Jojos Part 7
Axl Ro as a role adds death interaction, lack of flips, a Post restriction where you couldn’t say your ability, and could lead to some really unpleasant things said if put in the wrong hands to cause the death switch effect the role was built around. Its all about guilt-tripping and that can lead to some unfun conversations. So when the role was used the player regardless of the talk before it happened asked for the ability to not go off in the death switch, as they didn’t want to cause someone distress. In the moment I was like damn that’s a shame as they were killed by mafia and it would be a good turn around, but as I have matured I realized the real problem with the role, forcing people to apologize for killing you and then shaking them in the back, as it works in the manga, doesn’t work with real people and just strains relationships. So its just something I would never add to any future games and hopes no one else does.

/Nominate: Arya
Featured in : Insurgency

Italy died for my sins. Im sorry

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I didn’t make it.
VapourFlame did before they left the server.

/nominate 1-shot Deathproof 3-Shot Transporter/Lookout/Convert Target (“Jade Harley”)
Featured in: Homestuck FM

The epitome of “cheese knows how to setup design”. An amalgamation of too many powerful roles - fucked up ones at that, with the transporter being able to target as many targets as they want - all stuffed into an incredibly swingy role. The “omni bus driver” portion only added a massive amount of confusion to the game, and the deathproof removed any checks on this role from either alignment. This role was the only convertible role in the game, and only the mafia team was made aware of the conversion possibility.

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jade was funny but can we TALK about bec noir/PM

i don’t have the rolecards and don’t feel like looking right now

but come on

also cycle vig that could be used in lylo

/nominate Vanilla Townie
featured in: every game ever

omg guys its so not funn… you can’t push buttons at night… why would they do this to us??? it would be much better if it had abilities i reckon… i am very smart this opnion definitely is coherent and not indicative of me not actually liking the core dayplay of the game

(i am submitting this as a Social Experiment. there is nothing in the rules that says i can’t)


oh that’s coming up, j need to finish up the write-up

/nominate Death Miller
from: a lot of games, this role has a loooong history

hello, it is me, very serious mafia player who cares a lot about Balance. i think that any kind of Death Miller or flip tailoring is Bad, because it is Bastard and ergo Unbalanced. i think that fun is Unncessary and all setups except Mountainous, Marson, and Moison are Bad. how dare people find the simple intruiging pleasure of trying to rat out false flips fun if the game creates an expectation of this as a possibility? they should prefer Balance, like me

(lmao what if i also nominated this as a bit as well)

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/nominate Sleepwalker
From Unimeko FM - Turn of the Golden Witch among other games.

Why it sucks: Good luck talking yourself out of visiting the factional kill target, when you don’t even know it at first. Even if you succeed in talking yourself out of being executed the following day, you can bet that town KP will see to it that you die so that they don’t use a day execution on you.
Nuff said.


nominate throne of lies alchemist
featured in: throne of lies, probably old CoD games
why is sucks: 3 shot bpv survivor doctor 2 shot vig


I thought about making this joke but was too lazy

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/nominate Octuple Threat Noble
Featured In: Octuple Threat

my motives are beyond your understanding


/nominate Sensor
Featured In: I hope it counts as a vanilla role because I hope nobody would actually run this. If it doesn’t count I’m gonna point to the Flowergirl from clocktower because it is basically a Sensor but suited to clocktower voting, despite the fact I cannot do that.

For those who don’t know, Sensor is a role that, once per game, chooses to reveal how many wolves were on the wagon that was executed.
I bet you can see how this is broken now
Literally goes “dybu dabu caught scum” or “dybu dabu PoE’d scum”

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and if it’s in botf host legally doesn’t have to do vc’s so hope they actually care about the players

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fair will change

@geyde can I submit Wolflord roles