I would like to take a look at that eventually then

His wolf range is pretty broad and I’ve wolfed with him once

In Moison

This is absolutely not out of his wolf range

I want to see that game

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Only reason I can find it so fast is because I have links to my game history, heh

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thanks, I’ll get to this game by d3 at the latest

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No rush
And good luck with Thanksgiving cooking lol, I have people to cook for as well.

Night 2 will be extended to accommodate Thanksgiving. Not Black Friday though.


I live outside the US so we don’t get a holiday tomorrow
As such, I’ll be spending Friday/Saturday cooking instead
So I won’t be super active on D3

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This is just so you guys don’t scream “WHY ISN’T WIND POSTING” if I’m gone for like 12+ hours

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this is the reachiest reach ive ever seen
im tired and lazy and my hands hurt. you know where the thread is so i saved my time
i told you the game is there instead of giving you the link and that makes me scum???
this is clearly just because i put pressure on you

I mean… He’s a 3p, I wouldn’t worry so much about what he thinks of you

yeah but i worry that my day play will be significantly less impactful because people dont consider that

i hate outed neutrals making reads because they have absolutely no reason to be genuine 99% of the time and they wont be 99% of the time
i can respect like, an nk voicing their concerns over the mafia because the mafia is a threat to both them and town and thats p much it


It’s eod T minus 5 hours.


T minus 4