BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

Not in a mean way ofc.

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I mean Iā€™ll still be doing a postgame retrospective as if everything that happened was my fault, no matter whose fault the loss actually is. You can make that call for yourself

Oh yeah Iā€™d talk about my own contribution to the loss 1st, before assigning blame to others.

Shouldā€™ve played better.

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ā€¦is silence a rejection?

Others are irrelevant to oneā€™s own reflection. I know I have the capacity to solo carry every mafia game Iā€™m in, because I ahve a very high opinion of myself, so Iā€™ll look at all games in which I didnā€™t (every game Iā€™ve played) and try to pick out what stopped me from it. Yoiu know how it is

Proceeds to hydra twice.



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I have no rebuttal


Claims to have the capacity to solo carry every town. Fails to carry even a hydra


In my defence I was filling otu so many fucking forms you have nooooo idea how many forms.

Hit with the black and white avatar crowd I see

Iā€™m not sure what there is talk about tbh.

Imagine having a white background on your avatar. This post brought to you by transparency gang

Zone I said to you that the thread pretty much has you as Mez turned Mathematician.

I can give you answers in private if you have any questions?

He has admitted to being such. There is no pretty much

Yes, andā€¦? Is that a reason for me to not talk?
I donā€™t see the issue.

But you should still talk to him about Splatoon weapons

Well yes. I was humoring them.