FAM2 Game Thread 1 - Day 1

I mean we can go back and look to check lol that’s pretty easy to do.

I’ve gotten a hard yes from Alice

We know it’s not me or atlas

@Arctic @Hippopablompoyeetus mind checkin out the poll again just to be certain?

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yeah i voted in both

i have noticed that everyone voted in first poll but not everyone voted in second poll so urrr there is a chance someone just missed it

Before I go to bed sulit isn’t a bad wagon.
/vote sulit @Dark_Joycat

delet this

Agreeing w/ this, tbh. Would probably put cape up to the first row, though.

Pidgeon/Jake should probably be priorities there since they’ve just made a few fluffy posts and bailed.

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alice do u think im mafoa

eevee was more or a less outted spy in the event, but to kill someone the villagers have to vote unanimously, and one non-eevee player didn’t vote (the poll was anon so we don’t know who) and this made eevee win the event

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My current read list.

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Oh, add Catbae too as he looks like he’s just going with the flow.

/vote Eevee @Dark_Joycat

Yes, but not to the same extent as Chloe. You haven’t really been doing much but shitpost for much of the game.

I agree that Hip is acting like a Jester but this is Hip being Hip.

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I remember having my vote registered at one point in both polls, but RN i went back and had to re-click it. I think i just was spamming shit earlier when it was announced that a vote was mising. But im not 100%

i remember thinking Eevee was dead and that host’s accouncement that Spy has won meant that you were the spy

We arent gunna shoot someone just for goin with the flow

What else u got

spyfall case seems solid
also fine with ybw dying


He’s Hip being Hip yeah.

yet u wanna shoot someone for shitposting in a 53 player meme mash :thinking:

YBW is prime shot material regardless of alignment

thats where i stand on the slot


…how does voting out eevee prove you aren’t w/w with them unless you know they’re town

Ok so it was literally you