[Game Thread - ENDGAME 2/17] The 'Supa Mario' Sorcerer17 - Mafia Wins

ive been feeling this for 20 minutes!

doesn’t matter atp

I honestly stopped caring, gonna re-evaluate during the night



Glgl everyone


glgl i dont think im changing my vote

why did i start a dungeon right at eod i’m an idiot

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Wahoo EOD2 VC

Voted Voters Votes
Mistyx Outedwolf (#2524), Vulgard, Leafia (3249), Wazza, YBW 5/7
Wazza EliThePsycho (#2873), Mistyx (3070), Marshal 3/7
YoubutWorse Marluxion (#3252), Hippo 2/7
Hippopablompoyeetus Bradland (#2919) 1/7
Leafia Kiiruma (#2638) 1/7
Not Voting Min 1

5 minutes to tell me of any errors

1 Like

@Mistyx has been pushed into an endless hole in World 1-1, they were…

Filthy Mario

Vanilla Town

You have no special powers. You can only trust in your brand loyalty to win.

Defeat the Mafia.

Day ends, Night begins and will last 24 hours or til 2021-11-28T17:30:00Z. Actions locked an hour before it


Mario Lore to remember our fallen Brothers

Mario Warfare Mario

Mario Warfare is an 8 part video series starring the entire Mario pantheon in a re-imagined action-oriented setting with a heavy focus on combat. From shootouts to melee, the series is incredibly well choreographed, achieving a B-movie feel. It has fun with itself, and is incredibly wacky to boot.

Real Mario Odyssey Mario

Real Mario Odyssey is a video with cool VFX. That’s basically my thoughts on the matter. Also, Cappy looks utterly horrifying.


Scorp is the best Mario main of all time. It’s sad that he rarely shows up to events. He really could have been the best player of all time, even beating out Mang0.

But when the Mew2King nation attacked, Scorp was the last to fall in the fight. Legends say that he will return when no Smash game gets representation at EVO in order to set the world right again.

Don't Read

Mang0 was banned from Smash World Forums. He decided to create an alias in ScorpionMaster94 to sandbag at tournaments. He mained Mario.

Five Nights at Wario’s Mario

Five Nights at Wario’s is the name for this particular series of fan games that take inspiration from the popular Five Nights at Freddy’s series that first became popular in 2014. Created by wwwario, the series has taken on more differences from the core FNAF formula with each entry, culminating in a…surprisingly okay game in FNAW3. Featuring haunting designs that wouldn’t look too out of place in a terrible .exe game, the series has never been able to make good on the visual front. This can rather unfortunately be seen with Mario, who has no face. Now, there’s a lore reason for this that I can explain, and I will explain. Satan. Yes, Wario was so greedy that he decided to use a spellbook he found in order to wish for success. However, this had dire consequences which would only be seen after he and many other beloved characters were tragically killed by a man wearing a Wario-Man suit. The deal Wario made prevented them from being able to move on, effectively dooming them to their fate. One thing leads to another as Rosalina sends them to another timeline, which is the timeline in which all the games take place. As you can probably guess, the reason for Mario’s lack of face is how he died.

Go check out the series if you’re interested.
This is easily the most questionable thing here.

Filthy Mario


@Outedwolf slipped on a banana peel and died, they were…

Speedrunner Mario

Town Sorcerer

On Nights 1 and 2, you must turn another player into a Bomb. If you do not target a player, you will choose a random player other than yourself. They become a Compulsive Suicide Bomber. If they do not detonate by 6 hours before EoD, or the Day ends before they detonate, their target will be randomized amongst players other than themselves. They will be informed of this.

Defeat the Mafia.

Night ends and Day begins and will last for 48 hours (2021-12-01T17:30:00Z) or if hammer is reached early.


Speedrunner Mario

Characters with massive LORE are great. Speedrunner Mario has a huge amount of history, from both terminalmontage’s animations and speedrunning itself. I’ll only be here to talk about terminalmontage’s character though. Speedrunner Mario is Mario, but possessed! Super spooky I know. Speedrunner Mario seeks to speedrun the infinite, accomplishing impossible feats of speed as to…speedrun every game he touches. Pannenkoek references galore, this character is a threat to reality itself. He also can become anime. What did you expect? Watch terminalmontage. The videos he makes are faithful to the culture surrounding the various games he covers (mostly in regards to the speedrunning culture) and are fun to watch to boot.


Whoever has the bomb should out asap, I’m not voting until they do
Also not got much time so bye

bad post friend

legitimately the type of post wolves write because they think it sounds villagery

i had a pr read on visor and hinted at it in one of my posts
him being forced to out is eh but i guess we can work with this still