Omega Strikers FM - Saboteurs and Dissenter Win



Oh hey I have emotes too

Oh is that so? Well if you’re a competitor we can team up and have a cute buddycop dynamic as we slay the saboteurs


First person to reply to this can be my mason.


Yo what, this is your first post, you just lurking waiting to snipe those hot, hot masonry apps?

You’re almost as cute as me

I happened to open up the thread and start reading when you made that post. How’s your day going mason

That is the intent, yes. I will be very disappointed if it’s not the case.

The next person who replies to me will also be my mason.

This is not an organised manner in which to sort this fiasco out.


I’m bored.

Who wants to fight?

Says the one whose proclivity is to access and mess with data strings.

lore nerd


I think I shall start things off here. I believe their early reactive approach is more in line with what I believe to expect from someone not inclined to play the league respectfully.

Townreading Atlas, feel like they’re trying to engage people (me and Era) to feel them out while also having just the right amount of caution


Don’t diss my sister yo, or maybe I’ll have to clap Drek’ar instead

One must have a measure of all information to make decisions correctly.

(Out of character note: Atlas is Luna’s brother not sister)

(Mechanical note: Votes are wrapped in [ vote ] tags. Or the hammer button in the reply feature.)