Poor Approximations of Catgirls - Thread 1

10:08pm, approximately two hours after EoD.

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okay anyway the SOD post is sus af, no “spec thinks these are wolves”, no poison, no “Chloe has joined” message, no deaths (I don’t trust it atm)

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…is that it?

you think scum tampered with the sod post?

I worked very hard on the case
praise me

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I’m very proud of you

/vote Marshal @Nyarchmage

Marshal 4/10 Chloe (#7652); LASERpointer (#7663); Mistyx (#7698); Squirrel2412 (#7714)
Squirrel2412 1/10 Kyubey (#7702)
Not Voting 14 Arctic; bladescape; BS4215; Hippopablompoyeetus; Illwei; Marluxion; Marshal; Millium; min; Moonwink; nightingale; Wazza (#7695); WindwardAway; Wisdom


I never said scum
I just don’t trust it

this wagon formation always kills a wolf

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the way vulgard specifically softed LW to hippo makes me think wolf him would have realized he was softing? esp because he pointed it out the next day (altho hindsight is great so this last bit is kinda dangerous)

although it’s kinda weak because the soft was in response to hippo posting his LW haiku which i think hippo could have maybe overlooked tbh? especially cuz i don’t imagine him being super active in wolf chat

i think the way he pushed me for thinking i had scumslipped due to claiming a role related to flavor was kinda villaagery? these reasons aren’t rlly great but there’s a bunch other people i’d kill first

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^ not an openwolf I still am town prob gonna drop a claim/flavor stuff soon not worried about being vigged

have a few thoughts i’ll want ppl to mull over after my death but I am fine with how we are doing and dying 2day

maybe that’s the anticlaim

idk what you thought would happen just openclaiming for literally no reason

Oh by the way the mafia replacement role 100% has hidden abilities not shown on the flip


I legitimately believe squirrel skipped btw considering that was their very first post itg
and then I read Alana’s interactions with squirrel and didn’t rlly like it

ofc marshal gets executed probably but I’m gonnna call attention to squirrel today

Well yes and no
We know a wolf role specifically flavored “Cassie the Corruptor” visited Marshal

this feels far too specific wording

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btw i checked alana wolfmeta and she seems like pkr-lite in how she treats Villagers Who Are Being Sussed (pretty much always defends them for flimsy reasons)

i think arctic is absolutely spewed town (and also just v in general lol)
and i think wazza could be as well? @Kyubey ur good at spew things i think can u look

for wazza stuff ^
(i made vul green bc she didnt know vul was mafia)

It’s also extremely ballsy to join the thread for the very first time and right away go to your partner’s defense, when they’re getting a lot of heat

this is talking to a villager

For meta reference:

think this makes arctic and millium more likely to be town because i genuinely believee she wasnt sure of their stances on her

anyways hi


do you think a town role tampers with the sod post?

or just that something’s withholding it in general?