SCP FM(4/18) - Game thread, Day ???

Why do you think I’m evil Wazza?
This is a good opportunity (at least) for us to discuss things like that.

By the fact I think you’re aligned with YBW who I think is Scum and I think if there is a scum auto placed in here, they’d add another scum to avoid whatever this vote causes going onto a member of Scum. Look at this:

Not sure if I follow what you’re saying
You’re saying scum easily have majority by including 2 of themselves in here? If that’s true, they can snapvote here at any time and then we get returned to the thread, but then at least we know for sure they’re teamed… Which seems disadvantageous to them because free yeet lol

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I understand that but I think we’re probably causing an execution tbh, also, if 2 scum were allowed in here it’d probably be OP. As if scum had free reign of who’s in here (like I think you seem to believe so) then why wouldn’t they just throw 3 in here so they get an auto-kill on a strong townie and get to protect themselves for the day too

We don’t get returned to thread and there is no snapvoting, it’s almost like you didn’t read what was stated.

Why doesn’t this include majority? It’s almost like we don’t get returned today but instead when it turns night

I thought we didn’t get returned to the thread but that you said we did
I think I misread your post lol

No I didn’t misread

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I’m assuming we do, the OP doesn’t state we died, instead it just crosses off our names, there’s a reason we’re here, there’s a reason we can vote, and there’s someone who caused this either in here or out there.


I know that someone caused this because it specifically chose me and you Wind, if that was by random chance then christ but it feels too intentionally selected for that

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So let’s say we all were selected.

Why were Kiiruma and YBW selected? I mean if it’s a scum ability, it’s obvious why we were chosen, but why them?

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Ok so maybe we should start with the assumption that we don’t need to worry about the main thread right now, unless we suddenly get yeeted back into it. Let’s focus on who’s in this thread. I’d like for everyone to name whom they suspect most in here right now. Doesn’t matter if you’re unsure.


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legit it goes


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Would the Old Man SCP logically be able to send 4 people (but not themselves) in and cause them to do something to 1 person, causing a sort of weird cutthroat thing when they’re returned to thread?

I need to know this from a SCP perspective and we can look into balance from there

YBW out of the 3 of yall

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By the way, I feel one of us should be voted here, if it is SCP-106 or something, I want one of us to die just to make sure that we don’t fuck things up.

Just remember that in SCP-106’s lore, someone has to be sacrificed.

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If one of them did this, it would make sense
Other than that, idk? If it’s someone else I would guess they might specifically have wanted an even distribution, like two town and two scum

hi im in here for like 3 seconds

That may be why were able to kill someone if this is 106, but for 106 that usually means sacrificing someone out of the diemension, not in it.


so here was my thought process coming into this

someone wanted me and Wind to talk to each other
then I noticed you two were here as well and I still think that is strange

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