Terminal of Lies

have you ever wanted to easily view all votes in a game? or to multiISO? no? yeah that’s what i expected tbh
but in case you did want to do that i made a program for it nya

when if there are bugs, or features you want, dm me on discord
you may need to install some python packages to run it

inspired by @TodaysStory’s program of the same name

vote compilation sample

guavagudetama voted Manaphy in post 9
Leafia voted Host_Account_5 in post 10
guavagudetama voted Host_Account_5 in post 11
Leafia voted PrincessAbigail in post 36
Caitlin voted ElizaThePsycho in post 42
Host_Account_5 voted Host_Account_5 in post 44
Luka voted guavagudetama in post 73
Luka voted ElizaThePsycho in post 79
guavagudetama voted ElizaThePsycho in post 80
joycat voted Luka in post 108
guavagudetama voted Luka in post 112
joycat voted guavagudetama in post 121
Leafia voted joycat in post 156
joycat voted unvote in post 200
Manaphy voted joycat in post 223
Luka voted Manaphy in post 252
Luka voted unvote in post 257
Luka voted guavagudetama in post 260
guavagudetama voted Manaphy in post 271
guavagudetama voted unvote in post 273
guavagudetama voted Manaphy in post 280
joycat voted Manaphy in post 283
Agentt voted joycat in post 294
Agentt voted unvote in post 295
Manaphy voted unvote in post 327
PrincessAbigail voted beancat in post 381
PrincessAbigail voted unvote in post 440
Agentt voted beancat in post 486
Leafia voted Manaphy in post 487
Luka voted joycat in post 490
Caitlin voted Agentt in post 537
Manaphy voted beancat in post 601
guavagudetama voted unvote in post 605
Caitlin voted Luka in post 608
guavagudetama voted Luka in post 613
Manaphy voted Neblig in post 628
Luka voted Agentt in post 629
guavagudetama voted unvote in post 637
joycat voted Luka in post 660
ElizaThePsycho voted joycat in post 700
Caitlin voted Agentt in post 703
guavagudetama voted Agentt in post 710
guavagudetama voted Agentt in post 717
guavagudetama voted sleep in post 773
guavagudetama voted Agentt in post 782
Agentt voted Caitlin in post 805
Agentt voted Caitlin in post 806
Manaphy voted unvote in post 807
ElizaThePsycho voted Agentt in post 827
Garfooled voted Caitlin in post 907
Leafia voted unvote in post 999
Caitlin voted unvote in post 1014
Caitlin voted unvote in post 1018
Leafia voted Agentt in post 1019
Caitlin voted ElizaThePsycho in post 1042
Manaphy voted Luka in post 1082
Garfooled voted Luka in post 1083
Luka voted Luka in post 1084
Luka voted joycat in post 1096
Agentt voted beancat in post 1112
Luka voted Garfooled in post 1144
PrincessAbigail voted Agentt in post 1160
guavagudetama voted ElizaThePsycho in post 1173
guavagudetama voted Caitlin in post 1187
Luka voted joycat in post 1233
Caitlin voted beancat in post 1248
Luka voted Garfooled in post 1261
joycat voted Luka in post 1264
Garfooled voted Luka in post 1273
guavagudetama voted Garfooled in post 1303
Leafia voted Garfooled in post 1381
Luka voted name in post 1405
Luka voted joycat in post 1406
Garfooled voted Caitlin in post 1473
Garfooled voted Leafia in post 1479
joycat voted beancat in post 1483
guavagudetama voted Leafia in post 1512
Leafia voted joycat in post 1533
beancat voted joycat in post 1538
beancat voted joycat in post 1541
otterpopd voted unvote in post 1544
joycat voted Luka in post 1553
PrincessAbigail voted Luka in post 1564
beancat voted unvote in post 1588
Luka voted unvote in post 1592
Luka voted PrincessAbigail in post 1593
Luka voted unvote in post 1596
Leafia voted unvote in post 1623
Leafia voted Garfooled in post 1625
guavagudetama voted ElizaThePsycho in post 1641
Garfooled voted PrincessAbigail in post 1659
PrincessAbigail voted unvote in post 1674
joycat voted beancat in post 1691
PrincessAbigail voted guavagudetama in post 1703
Leafia voted beancat in post 1717
ElizaThePsycho voted guavagudetama in post 1719
PrincessAbigail voted unvote in post 1721
guavagudetama voted guavagudetama in post 1728
guavagudetama voted unvote in post 1729
PrincessAbigail voted n in post 1731
guavagudetama voted r in post 1732
PrincessAbigail voted unvote in post 1733
PrincessAbigail voted p in post 1737
PrincessAbigail voted PrincessAbigail in post 1741
PrincessAbigail voted unvote in post 1747
otterpopd voted beancat in post 1760
PrincessAbigail voted PrincessAbigail in post 1764
guavagudetama voted Leafia in post 1769
Leafia voted Garfooled in post 1827
Garfooled voted PrincessAbigail in post 1842
Luka voted otterpopd in post 1876
Luka voted PrincessAbigail in post 1888
guavagudetama voted Garfooled in post 1922
otterpopd voted ElizaThePsycho in post 1961
otterpopd voted Garfooled in post 1969
Luka voted otterpopd in post 1977
Luka voted ElizaThePsycho in post 1978
guavagudetama voted unvote in post 1986
guavagudetama voted ElizaThePsycho in post 1996
otterpopd voted ElizaThePsycho in post 1998
PrincessAbigail voted Luka in post 2009
otterpopd voted Luka in post 2034
Garfooled voted Luka in post 2071
guavagudetama voted Garfooled in post 2100
Leafia voted Luka in post 2146
guavagudetama voted Garfooled in post 2154
Leafia voted Garfooled in post 2277
ElizaThePsycho voted Garfooled in post 2320
ElizaThePsycho voted Luka in post 2324
ElizaThePsycho voted Garfooled in post 2326
Luka voted otterpopd in post 2342
PrincessAbigail voted otterpopd in post 2344
ElizaThePsycho voted otterpopd in post 2348




holy hell


Very interesting. Thanks. ^_^


really based contribution


This is why you’re my favorite ever


how did nobody tell me about this until right now


yo @orangeandblack5 this might interest you :slight_smile:


nyaaaaaaaaaa idk if anyone uses this but it’s updated now (currently the version in this thread is old but it’ll be updated soon probably)

new features:

  • a GUI
  • ability to have multiple game threads in one game
  • ability to count total occurrences of nya any string in the game
  • (slightly) more options on how to filter votes
  • better aliases (resolves names through substrings almost everywhere)
  • requirements.txt file to install packages easier
  • more stuff if I forgot idk

bug fixes:

  • votes in quotes no longer get counted occasionally
  • non-ASCII characters no longer get messed up in ISOs
  • various minor bug fixes
GUI home screen


bro holy shit AI is even putting @Zone_Q11 out of a job


Zone-1: “My job… No…” :sob:
Zone-2: “Finally… I don’t have to work anymore!” :man_dancing:
Zone-3: “What about my job as a setup designer and reviewer?” :thinking: