Osie's 18th Circle of Hell Game Thread - Game Over

How have we killed people BTW?

a very heavy bastard game, I asked how bastard from 1 to MindScrew, and I was told Mindscrew
Mindscrew setups are known for being puzzles and brain busters, so get ur seatbelt ready

I thought we were sending people their rolecards but apparently we were triggering the plurality and killing them off

well im guessing it’s because we had more than 50% of people voting so the player with the least non-zero number of votes was eliminated

Knives, guns, dousing them and burning them…

who died???
why am i still alive
someone vote me
and tell me who to vote for


This s Kyo, ain’t it?

this is hilarious lmao

It’s minority. So lowest non-zero gets killed.
It’s set to eliminate someone when 50% of players are voting.
One thing led to another

so why hasn’t “rolecards have been sent out” been eliminated yet

do we not have enough people voting

when u dont even know ur alignment but people are already dropping

Me and Amelia have notoriously the highest rates of integrity breaches whenever we’re involved in a setup
We decided to hydra
In a heavily bastard game
This was BOUND to happen

Vote for ATNoLeafia

it probably will, no?

Vote Check

Voted Voter Votes
TheLukundo beancat, TheLukundo, SkillIssue, +3 6
TownMisleaders based, +3 4
ATNoLeafia +3 3
Kiiruma +3 3
Millium +3 3
Tsumugi +3 3
No Elimination DkKoba, TownMisleaders 2
Zone_Q11 +1, Zone_Q11 2
DkKoba Millium+3 2
OwlsWriteLetters +2 2
SonicandKnuckles +2 2
SkillIssue +2 2
FoolsGold +2 2
“Roles Have Been Sent Out” SonicAndKnuckles 1
SeonRichard Kiiruma 1
Not Voting ATNoLeafia, Boquise, FateShirou, FoolsGold, Laurentus, OwlsWriteLetters, SeonRichard, Tilgarial, Tsumugi, Whysper 10

We are in “Plurality Midday”. During the Day, if 50% or more of living players are voting, plurality is checked. Minority Plurality still applies, so the player with the least non-zero number of votes will be the presumptive elimination.

Majority is still active at 66%.

TwoPlayersAndAOnion, TreeReaper, SpectatoChat, and KurosakiIchogo don’t count for votes for now.

Vote Check History

Game Start

The next vote check will be within roughly 6 hours or less. The next activity check will be 2022-04-02T18:00:00Z in your account’s time zone.

@SeonRichard has been eliminated. They are still alive but do not count for votes.

(involved as in, involved in hosting) ((we don’t actually breach integrity ourselves)) (((we’re just cursed)))

Just jam to this and forget about everything else tbh

I am