Poor Approximations of Catgirls [Game Over - Mafia Win]

I mean I have many words but im not gonna use them

ya being nice isn’t cool, we call everyone garbage here

I have to say the wolf in specchat thing is definitely the most annoying part for me lmao.

eevee got into spec chat
read his role card
I’m unsure if BS was eevee or if internet stranger was eevee who replaced out and bs replaced them

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as is the nature of wolf wins, role madness, and fortress of lies

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well at least I didn’t lose the game… in more ways than one :)

both are eevee

I just played assuming eevee was town but yeah
I was relatively confident he was just a wolf

Blizer massively GOATed tbhtbh

@Chloe stop randomly showing up and burying my teammates


man u are definitely something marsh, good fucking game

so BS was eevee?

wisdom of all people getting literally any votes at all after d2 was a crime

something something dvc salt about how mist was obv wolf something something ok im done gg and for the last time fucking nya


I’m glad that I kinda got to two wolves after I finally focused on the game.

That being said:
Only being allowed to vote in the first 24 hours feels bad.

Imagine just not pretending on first alt
Imagine claiming spec chat medium

Who thinks playing roles should be played as intended?

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Do me. ;-;

i have acknowledged and congratulate mist overcoming their weakness of sbpc
that being said, i will now take reading them more seriously to prevent this mistake repeating

Game Chats:


Spec Chat:

Dead Chat:

Spoiled Dead Chat:




why aren’t normally transparent pngs so transparent on fol what