April Showers Overhaul FM - GAME OVER - Town & Survivor Victory!

I thought the same thing but wanted you to post before saying it

This is going well i hope.

(The alternative is this is the worst idea ever of reading a game and i am messing it up but thats what testing is for)

Hey, a setup/game like this should be a solid testing ground.

I thought so! Closed setups are my specialty over on gamefaqs. They are my favorite :heart:

I quite literally picked a random 0 poster to make that joke about

I’ll say right away that I have a mech reason to believe there’s a wolf between Hazardwaste and Marluna. It isn’t locked by any means, but it’s a mech suspicion.

The suspicion stems from the fact I have a neighborhood with these two players and the way it’s incorporated into my role PM makes me think it’s likely 2 V / 1 W.

The reason I’m claiming this is that flip-altering mechanics can exist in this setup and I would rather not risk this info being lost to time.


I am able to confirm as such.


I confirm this btw.


I’ll also say that so far, Hazardwaste seems like the townier player in this neighborhood, but because this isn’t 100% confirmed info, I’m not going to treat them as a parity check and I will still try to read them based on in-thread posting. I’m just saying this in case I don’t flip as my actual role (or I get janitored).


Has marluna been posting a lot more about the game there?

I don’t think so.


Wolf lean stands

A little. She’s a bit suspicious of Hazardwaste for how Hazard treated her in the chat, and she thinks she’ll die pretty quickly.

For what it’s worth, she says her ability is public.

reason u don’t remember any posts because i was drunk posting @Anchomantic

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I’m not going to keep talking about the neighborhood but I wanted to put the info out there.




Since i have so many reads i will remove my more joke one from blizer for now and reveal his status as townlean.

Also. After I got killed, I wouldn’t go for any of the other two, unless you 100 percent know, which one is mafia, due to our passives.

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Hazard is a mirror to my marluna read. While vulgard is prudent to not link them i am not feeling so wise. Reckless reads for everyone. Go big or go home.

@robyn when you can please provide content. Thank you.

is this solving?

…is this solving?

this doesn’t feel like a good reason

didn’t she literally


this gives me the same vibe as her “read” on me

this interaction with me feels similar to how she’s acted with me this game, though obviously the situation is different as I’m not being universally townread (even though I did nothing wrong I just want us all to live and be friends)

I will say she did start making reads in this post

but she doesn’t actually say anything straightforward
and she definitely hasn’t been straightforward this game

I think I understand the argument more after reading sod1 of netrunner
I don’t know if I necessarily agree with it. I wanna think about it more
but I didn’t wanna just leave you hanging for hours after being like “yeah I’ll look at it” (again)
