Poor Approximations of Catgirls - Thread 1

I’m just saying JC has suspected everyone who has suspected him and that’s fucking hilarious to me
I’m going bed, gn

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Arctic and wazza could both be mafia I think arctic could have seen me make that post about him/wazza and intentionally pivot hard towards wazza to make it look like wazza is v

Arctic called me mafia before your post fyi

JohnCarter 3/12 Moonwink (#298); Squirrel2412 (#311); Wazza (#120)
Wazza 2/12 Arctic (#212); JohnCarter (#166)
Arctic 2/12 Marshal (#129); nutella (#272)
nutella 1/12 Illwei (#228)
Moonwink 1/12 min (#289)
alana 1/12 Mistyx (#291)
Not Voting 13 alana; Arete; bladescape; Hippopablompoyeetus; InternetStranger; Kyubey; LASERpointer; Marluxion; Millium; nightingale; Vulgard; WindwardAway; Wisdom

<3 ofc

I let my villas say what they want when they want xoxo

I know you’ll get there bubba

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okey, ill try and just wait for more content from them then

/unvote @Nyarchmage

wait why are the votes being placed on the vote count weird

JohnCarter 3/12 Moonwink (#298); Squirrel2412 (#311); Wazza (#120)
Wazza 2/12 Arctic (#212); JohnCarter (#166)
Arctic 2/12 Marshal (#129); nutella (#272)
nutella 1/12 Illwei (#228)
alana 1/12 Mistyx (#291)
Not Voting 14 alana; Arete; bladescape; Hippopablompoyeetus; InternetStranger; Kyubey; LASERpointer; Marluxion; Millium; min (#318); nightingale; Vulgard; WindwardAway; Wisdom

Yeah but he made a big wordsy post afterwards he didn’t have to commit and coulda treated it like his vote on me but i think it’s v possible he saw that and intentionally overdid it to make me feed into a world where y’all are unaligned

there’s a host post about it

Yeah, neither you nor anyone are getting a wagon on me right now, I’m afraid. <3 Feel free to try though!

Catch up Feature: Engaged.

@Wazza do you have any townreads?

fair enough
By the way, actually read his wallpost it makes no sense

Wazza is providing great examples of wolfy re-framing of events.

I suspected Wazza who’s vote target was wolfy irrespective of target.

Furthermore, Squirrel voted me after I called him out, not the other way around.

Moonwink is a villager too, who is voting me.

Up to y’all to check them on this behaviour from this point onward xo

I would appreciate it if you didn’t say things like this to me when im just trying to figure out your alignment and not back you into a corner

no, I’ve not really tried to get reads yet atm

jc is probably town

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You suspected everyone after they suspected you and called them wolf because you didn’t like how they were suspecting you
That’s not reframing events, that’s stating facts

It actually WAS made to butter up Mist. :3 I also wanted to prevent what happened in a recent game from happening again so that I could actually play with her.

I can see town you believing this but I guess it’s disappointing
You’re calling me mafia for making pushes on people, and saying it’s to give me something to do, but what am I supposed to do as town here? Not push the people I think are mafia? You’re at a point of confbias/tunnel where you just ascribe wolf motivations to my behaviour, and the sad thing is I see this grasping coming from town you given your proclivity to wolfread me every game - reaching for shit to justify this is well within both of your ranges