[Game End 2/13] Diamond Arc Crossing - Town Wins by Sorc Moment

Well, you can just look at it and post your thoughts

But if you have anything else to say before the flip, now is the time to do it

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I don’t
Maybe I’ll do it overnight

GTH on Windward, Dum, YoubutWorse?

Wind town
Dum likely town
Ybw ???

Wind is inside scum range thi

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Alright Im gonna go, I might be back before EOD, Might not, we’ll see

/vote Eggyolk @Host_Account_3

My legacy in case I die (which is unlikely but yknow) is that Eli gets MLed a lot so make sure to really consider his slot if you are to execute him bc he is like prime mis-exe target

also change the world
my final message

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VC Day 2 #9

Voted Voters Votes
EggYolk ElithePsycho (#910), Leetic (#1133), Gorta (#1134), Dum (#1231), YoubutWorse (#1296) 5/6
Leetic Universal (#1095), EggYolk (#1155) 2/6
Windward Clonedcheese (#1107) 1/6
Not Voting Kiiruma, Windwardaway (#1140), Sharklifter 3

I’m on mobile and trying to multi table so I’m currently dying inside.
I need to get onto laptop when I’m home and look into things more.
Egg’s kinda just been dead and hasn’t really improved much from what I remember though so I don’t feel too strongly about them being town at the very least.

So the Windward wagon failed to pick up any traction. I wonder if any wolves felt that I was a viable wagon over EggYolk

You have five minutes, are you gonna vote?

Well, probably my last post before EoD so good luck and fingers crossed

Wait, are there seriously only 5 mins?

Yeah, I believe so

Honestly, yolo

/vote @YoubutWorse

I don’t know what to do.
I can’t just casually ISO someone on mobile with such a short time

im back whaddup I only had a brownie ill eat in like 10 min

alright lots happening rn guess I came back for a good reason

VC Day 2 #10

Voted Voters Votes
EggYolk ElithePsycho (#910), Leetic (#1133), Gorta (#1134), YoubutWorse (#1296) 4/6
Leetic Universal (#1095), EggYolk (#1155) 2/6
Windward Clonedcheese (#1107) 1/6
YoubutWorse Dum (#1304)
Not Voting Kiiruma, Windwardaway (#1140), Sharklifter 3

why are u rtying to cfd like 5 minutes before eod
this is a weird vote
u couldve voted me like an hour ago

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alright well goodnight everyone gl gl

why is no one else here